We Made It This Far, Kid.

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We did it. We freaking did it. We hit the 500 reads milestone. I can't believe it. This book wasn't intended for people to read. I truly want to thank you guys for this. This means so... SO much to me. I know that this is just a stupid book with little jokes, but it's technically MY stupid books with little jokes.

This goes out to all you people. I honestly want to recognize ebf4jay and red_soul_roleplay because they have been around since my first chapter. To all you newer people ( Boy-ish I see you 😂) I want to say hello. I'll do another one of these if we get 1K, and recognize more people.

Here's to many more.

We've made it this far, kid.

Undertale CRACKOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant