Chapter 3: Greenwich, Connecticut

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I finish packing some things, placing the bags close to the door. I'm determined to do this. I know I'm going to make Dean angry, but I can't stay in the bunker any longer. This will be good for me. I can just tag along—do the easy and safe stuff.

I make my way toward the kitchen, searching for the spot where Sam placed the keys. I don't see them on the counter, so I walk toward the hallway.

Sometimes the keys hang on a rack of hooks outside in the hallway.  As soon as I turn the corner, there's Dean.

Of course, it's like he already knew what I was trying to do. 

He stands there with his muscular arms crossed, the car keys embedded in his right hand. "And...what is it that you think you're doing?" He asks, raising a brow as he looks at me with question.  I look at him, letting out a sigh as I cross my arms.  "I found a case for you and Sam,"  I let out quickly. 

Dean's eyes widen.  I try to speak fast so that he doesn't freak out and interrupt me.  "I'm tagging along.  I need to get out of here for a little bit and you would never in a million years let me go alone, which is okay with me since I like hunting with you and Sam anyway, so I packed us some small bags and we're ready to go."  I say, worriedly waiting for his answer.  Dean shakes his head at me, "Elena, you shouldn't be going on any hunts.  You shouldn't be leaving the bunker period.  You know why I haven't wanted you leaving.  It's dangerous for you, and the baby.  I'm trying to protect you and keep you safe.  Why are you making it so hard on me?"  He says, walking past me as he goes into the kitchen to put the keys away. 

I'm not trying to make this hard on him, I just need to live my life.  I can't just hide away in fear of what could happen if I go outside, forever.  Why doesn't he get that? 

I follow behind him, begging him.  "Dean please.  Please let me do this.  I'm not trying to make this hard on you.  I'm asking you to do this for me, I need it.  I promise you I'll be careful.  With you and Sam by my side, nothing will happen to me and we both know that.  We don't have anything to worry about, please."  I plead. 

After ignoring me for a moment Dean exhales deeply, stopping in his tracks.  He slowly turns around, looking at me with agitated eyes.  He knows that I can't be cooped up in here.  He knows he and Sam, and even also myself are perfectly capable of protecting me.  He swallows thickly, just staring intently into my eyes. 

He gives in.  "What's the case?"  He asks.

I explain the case to Dean and he finally listens.  He doesn't dare decide to go without asking Sam's opinion, and of course Sam is for it.  Sam's on my side with this.  He pretty much says the same thing I said, which is that I can't just sit around in the bunker 24/7.  I need to get out and do things.  I'm good at helping them hunt, I can still be of use and be completely safe at the same time.

Sam and Dean carry our bags out to the impala, loading up the car pretty quickly.

I can tell by the look on Dean's face that he isn't very happy about this but he knows it's been so freaking long since I've really even been outside.  He cooperates, thankfully.

[["Monsters" -Ruelle/Katherine P.O.V./*The photo above is of Katherine and Cassie]]

Cassie looks at her new self in the mirror, twirling her blonde curls between her finger tips.  It's like she's a whole new person with a whole new personality. She smirks at herself, biting her bottom lip as she turns around. "Does this feeling ever go away?" She asks as she tightly grabs her shirt over her stomach. "The hunger? Sometimes. I'll teach you how to control it. Feeding on people will fix that right away." I say as I raise a curious brow, just watching her. She has no idea how much a new vampire's hunger controls you. She's rogue.

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