Chapter 16: Angry Dean Is No Good For Anyone

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[[click on photo above to see the entire picture/Sam P.O.V.]]

I walk into the kitchen, feeling the cold hard floor under my bare feet.  I rub my eyes tiredly,
letting a big yawn escape from my mouth.  I don't know why I'm up so early.  I didn't sleep one bit last night.
   "Morning."  Caroline says softly, appearing in the doorway.  I jump slightly as she scares me, not expecting anyone else to be up so early.  She walks over to the table, taking a seat.  "Morning."  I say back, half smiling at her.  I glance up at the clock: 8:30 A.M.

   Caroline is pretty quiet for a few moments, but Caroline being Caroline, she starts first thing this morning.  "Does he know yet?"  Caroline asks as she clasps her hands together.  Something I've learned about Caroline since I've met her is when something is bothering her or if she disagrees with something, she goes on and on about it til' the cows come home.  She'll bug you about it all day.......and night....and at 8:30 in the morning when you haven't slept at all and you aren't in the mood to deal with anything.
   She looks nervous.  I take a deep breath as I turn around, getting some coffee ready.  "No."  I say with my back turned toward her.  She becomes silent for just a moment.  I hear her exhale deeply from behind me, and I turn to face her.  She crosses her arms as we make eye contact.  When looking into her eyes I'm reminded of the feelings that keep fighting their way to the matter how much I try to suppress them. I almost forgot about what happened between us last night while all of the other craziness was going on. 

   "He's going to lose his shit, Sam.  I mean, is Elena sure this is what's best for her right now?  Dean can still do a damn good job of protecting her whether she's mad at him or not.  I can protect her, you can protect her.  She's pregnant for God's sake I just-".  I cut her off, "Bonnie is with her right now and guess what?  She can protect her too.  She's a witch, remember?  I really just think she needs some space from Dean right now.  His intentions were not bad, they just both disagree on a really, really big issue.  She just needs time to get over what happened."  I try to explain.  I turn around and pour water into the coffee maker, flipping the switch on.  The coffee maker starts to gurgle and make noises as it begins to make coffee.  Caroline lets out another deep sigh as she leans her forehead up against the palm of her hand.  "I know.  And I understand.  But I just......I don't really wanna deal with angry Dean.  I mean, this is going to be bad.  Do you realize how angry he is going to be when he wakes up and realizes his 7 months pregnant fiancé has run off with only Bonnie by her side?  We both know the type of danger that practically follows her and us around everywhere we go!  I just-I just think it's a bad idea, that's all."  She says, getting herself all worked up.  I sigh, looking down at the ground for a moment.  She's right.  It worries me how right she is.  I hadn't really thought about dealing with Dean until now.  I just hope he doesn't take off after her like he usually does in perfect Dean Winchester fashion.  I slowly begin to nod, agreeing with her. "I know....". The coffee machine beeps, letting me know that the coffee is already ready. I open up the cabinet and grab two glasses; one for me and one for Caroline. I pour myself a cup of coffee and I pour some into the other glass. I walk over to the table with Caroline, sitting across from her. I place the mug of coffee in front of her. "Thanks.." she says with a deep, worried sigh. She takes a sip of her coffee and when she places her cup back down, she moves the hair out of her face. This little movement......this little thing that she does, I can't help but think about how beautiful she looks when she does it. What the hell is wrong with me?

I take a sip of my coffee and while I'm sipping, I can feel her eyes on me. I put my cup down, looking at her for a moment. I get ready to say something, perhaps bring up last nights "almost kiss", but I hear footsteps nearing the doorway. Oh shit.

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