Chapter 2: Being human . . . sucks

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Just a few quick things I forgot to mention. First, I prefer longer chapters to dozens of smaller ones, and as a consequence this story with have only around twenty or so chapters. Though there are smaller chapters, like this one, but then there are quite longer ones. I have a serious addiction to leaving it on small cliff-hangers, which I wholey blame on young adult books.

Secondly, there is a little bit of cussing but it's not much, just mentioning that.

Thirdly, I feel like I should warn you that it's not a real lovey dovey story, I mean there is some romance, but the entire plot doesn't revolve around it. Just thought I should mention that.

Alright, now that I've got that out of the way:

Here's the chapter. Remember, any questions I'm happy to answer.

I hope you enjoy!

(Above is Grim's scythe necklace)


Grim woke up in icy waters.

Her eyes were the first thing to come back. She watched the water running over her, distorting the starry sky above her. She couldn't move. She couldn't hear. She couldn't speak. She couldn't even feel.

Slowly her eyes started down and she watched with horror as her body reassembled itself. She'd glanced down in time to see bones being enveloped by skin and then covered by clothes. It took less than a minute for her to be alive again.

Grim lurched to the surface, gasping for breath, water running in rivets down her body. She was on the bank of the river, the river that she'd jumped into ten years ago. She looked around wildly, her hair swinging and flicking water. It was dark, even though it felt like less than an hour ago she'd been standing on the bridge in the middle of the day, but time passed differently in death.

Grim stumbled to her feet, a pair of ratty jeans clinging to her skin. The faux leather jacket draped over her shoulders felt awful, and she shrugged it off, throwing it onto the bank. But that only made the icy air that much more obvious.

Too many things. Too many emotions. Her senses were in overdrive and it made it hard to think.

She took a few deep breaths, closing her eyes.

First of all she was extraordinarily cold, something completely new to her. Second it was dark, she couldn't see anything whereas before the night could hide nothing from her. Thirdly, she was completely human.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking for any sign of civilisation. She turned in a full circle and let out a sigh of relief at seeing the lights of the bridge. She wasn't even that far away.

And that's when she began screaming.

"What the hell is wrong them! Those mother fucking- ugh! How could they do this to me?" She kicked the water around her, sending it flying around her. She dug her hands into her hair and let out another scream of anguish before finally calming down.

She stumbled to the shore and fell onto the soft grass, staring up at the sky. She was suddenly exhausted and . . . was that hunger? This was all so very new. She'd forgotten mortality.

Grim didn't sit up, but she did begin to catalogue.

She was wearing a white tank top, soaked completely and no doubt see through. She had on a pair of black skinny jeans, with strategic rips and tears in them, with a chain looped throw the belt holes and safety pin decorating them. She reached and grabbed her jacket, searching the pocket. Inside was a soggy packet of cigarettes which she nearly threw way before realising she might need one of those the way this night was going. There was a skull lighter she recognised, having been giving it by her drug dealer as a Christmas present, she almost smiled at the absurdity of it. There was a small sandwich bag, empty of course but it had once held a very toxic cocktail of drugs. The last thing she pulled out was an ancient flip phone that was completely waterlogged.

They call me Grim (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt