Chapter 23: Mary's become a bit of a hot head

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Grim ducked out of the way, rolling along the forest floor and somehow managing to grip the necklace. She was frantic, and wasn't concentrating right. Her thoughts were a tumbled mess of incomprehensible panic. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to stop Mary. She didn't know if anyone could even stop that psychotic bitch.

Panic distorted her teleporting and she landed next to the van. The necromancer spotted her first, letting out a shriek of surprise and clinging to her mother, who quickly tried to shield the girl. The woman in the front seat hissed, her face contorting as fangs protruded over her normal canines.

"She has fucking vampire working for her," Grim said in disbelief. The vampire dived over the seat, a clawed hand scratching as Grim's face. It would have been worse if the vampire didn't suddenly let out a screaming hiss, and withdraw into the car. Grim looked up at the sun that had momentarily broken through the clouds and thanked whatever the hell was beyond. She turned and pulled open the back doors and grabbed Jessica's arm. Her skin felt slimy and waxy, and she smelled faintly like rotten meat. Grim ignored all of this as she pulled the dead woman outside and slammed her into the van.

Jessica looked at her with alarmed brown eyes, which looked slightly filmy. Grim peered into the dead woman's face with a sneer.

"What is wrong with you? Working for her," Grim growled out.

"Let her go!"

Grim turned to see the necromancer looking livid.

"Let my mama go!" the girl repeated.

Grim shoved Jessica away and looked at the necromancer, all the while aware she was running out of time and the vampire was shouting into a phone.

The necromancer was small and thin. Her hair was glossy black, her skin a warm brown, and her eyes inky black. She was a beautiful child, and that's all she was, a child.

"You have caused so much trouble," Grim told her softly.

"Anya! You rude little monster, you left before I could finish speaking," Mary screeched, breaking through the tree line with her nostrils flaring and her eyes ablaze.

Grim reached over and grabbed the hand of the unconscious Blake and the necromancer's thin arm. She began to disappear but the vampire dived over the front seat, pulling the necromancer away just before Grim could properly vanish.

Grim landed with a tremendous thud which was followed by the sound of splintering wood. She heard a small groan beside her and glanced to see Blake looking at her with sleepy eyes. Grim sat up, sighing as she pulled out a ten inch wood splinter from her kidney region.

She'd teleported to Blake's house, his dining room actually. Unfortunately, they'd landed on the dining table which had promptly shattered on the weight of the two of them.

Blake let out a whimper, his eyes closing as he rolled over onto his back. Grim sent her cloak away, and leaned over him, swearing as she saw his wrists.

Blood ran down his hands in rivets, a steady drip of blood hitting the splintered pieces of wood. His wrists were mangled meat. The silver had seared his flesh, cutting through it deep and staining his arms and hands with blood. Grim swore to herself as she summoned her scythe, and began sawing through the silver. It took several minutes, and each movement made Blake let out a moan and whimpers and occasional shrieks.

The silver cuffs fell, hitting the tiled floor loudly and echoing in the empty house. Blake let out a brief sigh, his eyes still tightly shut and looking extremely ill.

They call me Grim (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora