• Chapter Twelve | Eli •

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The doctor escorted us into the room where Riley was. She was lying on the bed, unconscious and bruised and bloodied. There were a million IVs in her hands and arms pumping liquid into her veins, and a machine next to her bed was beeping at a slow pace.

My stomach lurched. Seeing your sister practically dead in the hospital wasn't exactly fun.

I tore my eyes away from her. My parents gravitated towards the doctor as he mumbled things. The one word that stood out to me was "Coma".

Riley was in a coma.

After a few minutes of my parents crying and me sitting down in a chair in the corner of the room, they had Lucas and Emma come in.

My parents (crying hysterically) had walked out of the room so my mom could get some fresh air. I stayed in the corner.

Emma stumbled into the room, Lucas behind her, and kneeled down next to Riley. Her hair was a mess and she had dropped her purse on the floor in the middle of the room.

Lucas just sat there saying nothing. I stared at him for quite a while until he kneeled down next to Riley on the other side of Emma.

Lucas had grabbed Riley's hand and Emma a stroked her hair.

I just had to leave the room at that point. They were all best friends. I couldn't ruin the moment by sitting in the dark corner like a stalker.

As soon as I closed the door, I looked up to see Addie.

Suddenly, my chest tightened and I held my breath.

"Is-is she okay?" Addie stuttered.

The fury I had built up over the past hour had exploded inside me.

"What do you care! You almost killed her! I'm surprised you're even here!" I didn't care if all the nurses and doctors looked at me like I should be in a mental hospital.

In absolute anger, I stormed out of the hospital.

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