Is there someone to call for this? I wondered worriedly as I stared up at the spot where the sky had peeled away. What's the number for sky maintenance? Probably something stupid like 1-800-SKY. Companies these days are really uncreative.
But that's not the point.
How am I supposed to fix this? How is anyone supposed to fix this? Does it even matter? I mean, is the sky peeling away really going to do any harm? I mean it probably will somehow, with my luck - but then again, this is Planet Riley.
So why am I even worrying? On Planet Riley, bad things would never happen to me, right? So I shouldn't be worrying. I'll be fine.
It's good to be on Planet Riley - unlike the real world, there are no worries.
A/N: 🎶hakuna matata, what a wonderful phrase, hakuna matata, ain't no passing craze, it means no worries...🎶
that is all

Planet Riley
Teen Fiction"I swear, Riley, sometimes it's like you live in your own world," Lucas said with a grin. "I wish I lived there," I grumbled. "Things don't go horribly wrong all the time on Planet Riley." "Planet Riley?" Lucas repeated, and burst into downright guf...