Loved to Death

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Author's Note: So this is my NaNoWriMo project. I literally am just making this up as I go along. I don't know if it will be better or worse than normal, because I always write my stories this way. I hope you like it! Feedback is appreciated!



What have I done?

The thought ran through her head as the hot water pounded against the bare skin of her back. The water was boiling, but it was still not scalding enough to burn away her guilt.

I should have stayed home.

She watched the water roll off of her arms and fall into the reddish puddle that had not yet gone down the drain.

I shouldn't have gone there.

She turned off the faucet and pulled back the curtains. Careful to avoid the disheved pile of stained clothing, she stepped out of the shower. She took the towel that was hanging from the rack and began to pat her hair and face dry.

I shouldn't have...

She wrapped the now damp towel around her body, letting her raven colored hair fall around her bare shoulders. Holding the towel in one hand, she reached up to push her dripping bangs out of her eyes, brushing her palm against her wet cheek along the way. She paused for a moment. She had just dried her face. How would it have gotten that wet so quickly when her hair was only dripping slightly?

She turned to face the full length mirror that was attatched to the door on her left, but it was completely covered with a thick fog. She sighed and used one of her forearms to leave a thin streak across the glass so that she could peer inside.

"No!" she shreiked, stumbling backwards onto the bathroom floor. She clawed at her face in agony, trying to scrape away the thick red substance that was running down both sides of her face. She looked down at her hands frantically to see if it was actually coming off, but there there was not a speck of dirt to be found on either of them. Shaking, she pulled herself up using the sink as a handle, and stared into the mirror yet again, horrified of what she might see. To her suprise, her face was a ghostly white with only slight pink hues where her nails had scratched. She placed a trembling hand on her cheek in shock.

"But I just saw..." she whispered aloud. Her cheeks truly were wet now; They were wet with her own tears. The weight of the events that had happened earlier that evening had come crashing down upon her, causing her knees to become unstable. Unable to stand any longer, she felt to the ground and wept.

What have I done?


Word Count: 416

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