Chapter Three: Going Crazy

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Chapter Three

It wasn't that hard to convince May that she had just had a minor nosebleed, especially considering that Kaye had been having at least one a week since the age of twelve, but the nurse was not so easily swayed. After maybe twenty minutes of pleading, she finally caved and let her go back to class. Apparently Kaye had been out cold for most of the day, and it was already late into fifth period, just missing her lunch shift by maybe a half an hour or so; not that she cared after what she had just witnessed. Her fingers still tingled, as though she could still feel the blood running down her fingers, and her nostrils still burned from his sickening scent.

Kaye swallowed hard and shoved her hands into her pockets, not wanting to think about the sudden reappearance of the one who she had once so desperately loved. She didn't know how, or why, but after what had happened... she was postive that he was pretty pissed.

"Kaye, hello? Are you even listening?" May sighed and knocked on Kaye's head as though she were knocking on a door. After years of friendship, Kaye had grown so accustomed to May's long rants about absolutely nothing that she had often started to tune out without realizing it. Normally it didn't stop May from babbling on and on because most of her questions were rhetorical and needed no answer; As if she would even let you get a word in anyways.

"Yeah, yeah; I hear ya," she answered half heartedly.

"What in the world did he say to you? I couldn't really hear anything; It was weird," May wondered aloud.

"We just talked about what happened...." Kaye trailed off. She hated lying to May, but that technically wasn't a lie was it?

"Well? You never told me what all went down. I called like, fifty bajillion times this weekend and your phone was off. I even called your house phone and had to talk to Chance," she shivered at the thought of Kaye's younger brother who had been obssessed with her since he first saw her. He worked up enough courage to profess his love to her when they were all in grade school, but May "politely" turned him down. Well, polite for May terminology at least. Chance played it cool around her, but it was still obvious that he had a thing for her. 

"I'm sorry. I was just really... tired," she whispered weakly.

"At least tell me you didn't take him back," she rolled her eyes. Kaye sat in silence, avoiding eye contact for she was unsure of how to respond. She was horrified and repulsed by the sight of him now, but some sick part of her still wanted him back. The feeling horrified her. Was she that sick minded that she still craved the love of the person she murdered? She squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to think of that night and all the sick and twisted thoughts that had run through her head as she stood over his trembling body. She clasped both sides of her head with her hands, and laid her head down on the desk, thinking of anything she could to keep her mind off of that night, but everything she could think of could be somehow linked back to it.

No! I don't want to rememer!

Kaye, you don't want to remember the fun we had? echoed a whispery and cold voice, that somehow sounded similar to her own, from the depths of her mind.

No! I don't want to... No...

Let me show you how fun it was... You looked so happy...

Kaye could see random images flash before her mind, almost as though she was watching a slideshow at a speed so fast that it would look like a giant blur to anyone who hadn't expirienced it. A burning feeling began to spread across her chest. No.. This is how it started... This is... I don't want to! I don't want to go back there!

Kaye... I only want to help, Kaye...

"Leave me alone!" she shreiked! She opened her eyes to see the many faces of the class staring back at her, faces filled with confusion. She could clearly read their thoughts from how they stared at her. Freak.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2011 ⏰

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