Watch and Listen

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Night time was coming and I wasn't prepared for it.

It had been a long day and my fear of the dark wasn't going to help me.

I made my way up to my room, but when I flipped on the light I yipped in surprise.

A man in a suit and sunglasses was standing, perfectly still, in the corner. He didn't react to seeing me, in fact, he didn't do anything.

"Hello?" I asked.

No response.

"Let me guess, you work for Randall?" I groan.

He still didn't move so I roll my eyes and closed the door behind me. I couldn't say I was shocked.

I turned on some music on a low volume to fill the awkward silence. The man didn't react.

I dumped my clothes onto the floor and began stuffing them into the two duffel bags I'd had tucked in the back of my closet.

I folded them messily before squishing them into the bags, followed by my nick knacks and toiletry bag.

I was inexplicably calm the whole time, despite the bubble of fear that was buried deep in my stomach. I wanted to panic. I wanted to fight.

But for now my family and Peter were safe, and that's all that mattered. I would do anything to keep it that way. Even if I had to marry that creepy prick and live with him for the rest of my life. For now, at least, this is what I had to do.

But all I wanted to do was see Peter. Normal, sweet Peter. He could help me come up with a plan.

For the time being, though, I was all alone. I mean, besides mister personality in the corner, who had still managed not to budge.

Taking an empty water bottle off my desk, I chucked it at his face lightly, just to see if he'd flinch. But the bottle bounced off his face and onto the floor.

"Well played," I said, narrowing my eyes and approaching him. Reaching out I poked him the cheek.

It was skin, warm and alive, so he wasn't a mannequin like I'd almost assumed.

He was just creepy. Perfect.

Sitting back down amongst my stuff I took a break to adult the ring on my hand. Maybe I just wasn't used to wearing rings like this, but it felt weird. It was still cold like my body temperature had done nothing to warm up the metal. In fact, my finger felt colder than usual. But I ignored it, figuring I could worry about it if my finger fell off or something.

I continued packing my stuff into bags until there was almost no trace that I'd ever been here. Which was probably good, my life here was ruined anyway.

I had no friends, no boyfriend, and my stupidity had managed to nearly get my roommate killed. I didn't deserve this life. Not anymore at least.

I fell asleep using my backpack as a pillow on the floor. My alarm woke me up two hours later at six-thirty, telling me to get ready for whatever the next day was going to be like. There was no telling, but I definitely wasn't looking forward to it.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and seeing the smear of the mascara I'd forgotten to take off all over my hands. It didn't matter if I looked like a hot mess, I just had to get through the day.

The man was still standing in the corner in the exact same position as I'd last seen him. He couldn't just stay here could he? Someone might get suspicious of a creepy man standing in the middle of a girls dorm room by himself.

I continued to gather up any remaining odds and ends and 6:50 on the dot the man moved.

I jumped in surprise, but he was calm and moved slowly, gathering up my bags and walking towards the door.

I was still sitting on the floor, staring in shock after him as he disappeared into the hallway.

Grabbing the rest of my stuff, which was only my backpack and a plastic bag full of snacks, I walked after him, closing the door behind me.

He was waiting on the corner when I got outside, my bags sitting by his feet.

He still didn't acknowledge my existence when I went to stand next to him.

The black car drove up at exactly 7 o'clock and the man sprung into action again, loading my stuff into the back. I just stood there, being ad useful as always.

When he was done he opened the back door and ushered for me to get in.

I hesitated, and he reached forward, taking my arm and guiding me firmly onto the seat.

I didn't know where I was going, but I was going there whether I wanted to or not.

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