Chapter 9

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   I was tall, but incredibly thin. My arms barely carried any fat or muscles, and the same went for my legs. I had never been athletic either, so I wondered what I would do if another boy tried to force himself on me.

   I never thought I would be in that situation since most people left me alone, but thanks to the kiss I would be in that situation multiple times. And each time, I knew the guy would use his strength against me, leaving me defenceless. At the thought of Eric, I became nervous as I shut my locker.

   Class would start soon, but I went to my locker to grab my textbook. And while I was there, I had allowed myself to think of yesterday. Nothing had really happened today, but still I couldn't help but worry. Especially after finding out how helpless I was in the situation. If Axel hadn't come, I wondered what would have happened.

    Axel. Something in my heart stirred and I groaned, titling my head back. He was becoming troublesome in a way I couldn't control. And if I were to be completely honest, I was terrified.

   Noticing I had five minutes left, I decided to go to the washroom to calm down. I had English next and with Axel there, I couldn't go to class with my cheeks so red. If I did and he figured out it was due to him, I would die of humiliation.

   Walking quickly, I went to the washroom and went straight to the mirror. No one was around - thankfully - so I stood in front of the mirror, staring at myself.

   My cheeks were tinted red and my round, chocolate eyes were wide. My long, blonde waves hung around me and I sighed, wondering how I looked as I began to fix any stray strands of hair. I hated myself for caring about how I looked all of the sudden, but I couldn't help it. It had become a bad habit in senior year.

   Suddenly, the door to the washroom flew open. From the reflection in the mirror, I saw three, gorgeous girls enter. In the movies they would be your stereotypical, popular mean girls, but in my school they were just some girls in my grade. At least, I thought that was the case.

   "Is that you, Zoey?" one of the girls asked.

    As they all stepped closer, I recognized them. The blonde was Louisa, the short brunette was Amy, and the tall brunette was Ashley. Louisa was the one who had spoken.

   I turned around to face the three girls and saw that they were all smiling at me. Staring at them, I then realized they were wearing fake smiles, so I crossed my arms over my chest, wondering where this was going. I was oddly thankful that girls were confronting me, knowing I didn't have the strength to take on guys.

   "Yes," I finally said, eyes hardening at Louisa who began to smirk.

   "Cute name." She stepped forward, placing a hand on her narrow hip. "For a bitch, I mean."

   I rolled my eyes, tired of people throwing around the word bitch. It was used too lightly in today's society, and I hated it.

   "What do you want?" I asked flatly.

   "Why are you keeping the kiss?" Amy asked, scowling.

   "Yeah," Ashley said. "Why are you ruining the game?"

   "Why do you care so much?" I shot back.

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