Chapter 33

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I stayed in bed crying. It made me feel so weak and stupid, but I was just so sad and angry that I needed to release my emotions somehow. Crying was the only option, so there I was, bawling my eyes out.

For Axel I had broken the rules. I had allowed him to touch me when I believed to wait to show physical affection. For him I had become his girlfriend, even though I wanted to wait until university to date. There was so many thing I had done just for him and I didn't understand why I did half of those things, but I knew it was out of love. Love just had a way of making you alter your morals because it consumes you and causes you to do things you'd never think of doing for another person.

    I cried harder then, knowing I had pretty much loved Axel. He had stolen my heart and now he had broken it. Somehow I, who was the strongest person I'd known, had ended up broken hearted. It was unbelievable.

    Suddenly, the door to my room creaked open. Mom and Dad appeared and remembering their warning, I cried harder. They had been right in the end and I had been wrong.

    The both of them rushed over to me and hugged me. I was squished by them and I cried, thankful for their presence. I wasn't in the mood to be alone.

    "You were right," I sobbed. "Axel broke my heart in the end."

    "Oh Zoey," Mom said, brushing my hair away from my face. "My dear, precious, Zoey."

   They just held me and I was thankful. I was so thankful that I didn't receive the I-told-you-so I deserved. Because right now, I felt stupid enough.


Laying in bed, I realized how dumb it was that I had cried over a boy. Although I did really like him, he was just one boy. There were plenty more out there and there were ones that would treat me right. Axel with his bad boy attitude was a walking, talking, scream from trouble, but I had been blinded by his acting and lies. I would forget about this boy I didn't need.

But closing my eyes, I knew feelings weren't that simple. Even after everything, I still liked him. I probably would still like him for a few weeks. But one day, I would finally move on and know I was better off without him.

    Suddenly, the doorbell rang and I groaned. I was home alone, which meant I had to get the door. I really wasn't in the mood to, but I dragged myself out of bed and downstairs.

    Opening the front door, I prepared myself for a businessman, but my eyes flew wide when I saw Axel standing before me. And to my utter disgust, he was grinning. Grinning as if nothing was wrong.

    "Hey, Zoey-" he began.

    I shut the door before he could continue, feeling my heart race. I had no idea why he was here. Why he was smiling and acting like he hadn't just broke my heart.

   The doorbell rang again and again, and I just stayed in my spot, contemplating what to do. I didn't want to see him, but he didn't seem like he would be leaving. And, I didn't want to seem like a coward. There was no way I'd hide away from the jerk who broke my heart.

So, I threw the door opened and crossed my arms over my chest. I glared at Axel and he looked confused. I had no idea why.

"Zoey, are you mad?" he asked, frowning.

"What do you think?" I shot back.

The Kissing GameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora