Love Me Please

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When it's Late at night
I can't stop thinking about you
But That isn't right
You don't feel the same
Maybe you see I'm insane

I've seen a thousand quotes
Saying " I'm not good enough"
I can always relate
And that's great
So when it's late
And I'm in this state
All I want is for your to love
You're like an angle sent from above

I wonder if I'll ever be enough
For anyone that'd be tough
To wake up everyday
and see a monster
To look in the clear mirror and see something so horrendous
Wouldn't it be stupendous to see something else
Something that wouldn't give me the urge
To purge

Because it always comes back
To my lack
of confidence in myself
That all anyone will ever see is my hideous face
It's a shame I find my face a disgrace

That's probably why you
Knew you'd view a new to love

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