1 - A Sparky Beginning

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The name's Persephone, but I'm no goddess.

Can't say I'm popular, and I definitely can't say I'm a loser either. I'm just that regular brunette aka goth girl  who sits quietly at the back of the class, listening to the amusing, endless gossip cultivated by none other than the popular girls of my class.

There isn't anything special about me, except for having a green thumb. Mom told me I had a knack for growing plants. According to her, When I was around five, I just pushed a few citrus seeds down the soil and a few weeks later, she saw them sprouting around our yard.

Amazing, right?


Sad to say, my life is boring as hell.  I wish my life was full of excitement and adventures like one of those damsels in distress in stories we've read ever since we were kids. Like Rapunzel, for example when she was rescued from the tower where she was locked up for a long time. We also have Princess Daisy who got rescued by Mario and Luigi. Then we have that girl Andromeda from greek mythology who was tied to a rock at sea, the demi-god, Perseus, came to save her by slaying the beast that was sent by Poseidon. And let’s not forget that Lois had Superman, Mary Jane had Spiderman and the list just goes on and on and on.

Boy, I'd give anything to have that kind of adventure of my own. It would be a lot better than listening to the same crap I've been listening to since freshman year.

Yes, I could totally see myself being rescued by a knight in shining armor, or perhaps, a handsome prince riding a white—

"Oh, Persy," my old friend Brynn 'backstabbing' Walden had just tapped me roughly on the shoulder, popping my little daydreaming bubble. "Can you scooch down a bit? You're blocking my view."

"What view?" I snapped, glancing over my shoulder.

"David's view, duh."

"Oh, pardon me for having such a big head." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes and continued chipping away my shellac nail polish.

Brynn's  boyfriend, David Jenkins, the most popular guy of Seaside heights, was sitting in the row right in front of me. All he does is flex and talk about how big his muscles are to the whole football team and how he keeps working out to maintain his gorgeous physique.


David was obviously in love with himself. He can't even talk to his girlfriend properly. It's all about him, and never about anyone else. I can't really see what Brynn saw in him. The boy's a complete airhead. All muscle and no brain. I'm surprised he's still on the team.

As for my ex-best friend, I seriously don't understand what happened to her. Brynn and I used to be so close in middle school. Ever since she lost the baby weight and her boobs expanded, she ditched me to hang out with the popular group. As if ditching me for a new set of friends is not enough, she was also the reason for spreading out a rumor that I was, wait for it... a Vampire. I actually laughed at that rumor.

 Me? A vampire? Please.

It would be cool if I was, though.

Then there was another Time she told everyone how I looked suicidal.  Now that was hitting below the belt.  Just because I wore black twenty-four seven doesn't mean I am. I like black. For some reason, I just do. Sometimes I’m tempted to corner her somewhere in the building and give her a piece of my mind.

Although, that probably won't end well.

So David was still blabbing on and on about his perfect muscles when my friend Kennedy plopped down next to me, the strong scent of his musky perfume whipping past my nose. "Hey."

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