2 ~ Knocked Out

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Okay, so maybe I wasn't ready to interrogate the poor boy just yet. Zach had just transferred to Seaside Heights and I think interrogating him right away on the spot would probably be a bad idea. I mean, he was nice enough to approach me even after giving me the 'fuck you' look during class. So in exchange for him giving me the most awesome gesture he could think of, I made him treat me to a cup of coffee instead.

Since he's new in town, I offered to drive us over to my favorite coffee shop by the beach. The Seaside cafe was packed with tourists, as usual. It never runs out of customers since it's close to the beach. My classmate, Willow, from middle school and her brothers Winston and Wes works there, too. I wasn't really close to her but lately, for the past few weeks, we started having some pretty decent conversations. Willow was a bit like me because I noticed she has this huge invisible dome placed around her. Meaning she keeps herself well guarded.

"I just love the scent of freshly cut grass." I said, wiping my mouth with a table napkin. Zach just sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Really?" He simply chuckled, taking a spoonful of his ice cream sundae. He didn't look too surprised compared to the other people in the past. They'd start laughing whenever I mention it and it just ruins the rest of my day. Well, I can't blame them, really. The scent of grass isn't that appealing.

"Okay, your turn."

"Well," he grinned, scratching the back of his ear. "I do love the smell of books. Isn't that weird enough for you?"

"Wow," I stifled a laugh, knowing he was worst than me. "That is weird. Welcome to the club."

We both laughed at the same time and focused back on our desserts. While I was busy munching down my crumb cake, I could feel Zach's gaze on me. I peered up and surprise, surprise, he was indeed looking at me.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

He smirked, his mouth twisting to one side. "What's up with you and the black color, anyway? Black hair, black make up, I mean no offense or anything, but it seems like you're mourning."

I rolled my eyes. "It's because I am."

"And why is that?" He whispered. My gaze settled down on the half eaten Apple crumb cake in front of me.

My stomach fluttered, as if a hundred Butterflies just came to life. I've always had issues with people poking their noses inside my business. Ever since I started going to school, I've always felt isolated. That feeling that I didn't belong to any group. Although, there was a time that I did open myself up. And that's when I met Kennedy and Brynn. They were the only two closest friends I've ever had. But Ever since Brynn broke my trust, that's when everything fell apart. I started to be distant and walked my own pace. So when people start asking me all kinds of personal questions, that's when I usually shut them down. But with Zach, I really didn't mind at all. There wasn't a hint of hesitation in me and that was a sign that Zach could be trusted.

"I don't know," I shrugged, my fingers fiddling with the paper napkin next to my plate. "I guess I'm just not happy with my life."

"What do you mean you're not happy with your life?" I looked up and Zach was just staring at me. Staring like he was carefully studying me like I'm some sort of exotic animal and I felt uneasy all of a sudden because I've never experienced sharing my thoughts with a boy before.


So can I just say that this moment was a bit... awkward?

"I'm-I'm just not, okay," I said a little weakly, but I managed a smile. It wasn't the right time to spill out the issues I was going through. I do admit, I'm being a hypocrite because I also wanted to know who Zach is. Maybe someday, I'll have the strength to do it. Right now, I'm happy the way things are.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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