Every scar is a memory

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You wouldn't believe it, but every scar does hold a story of its own...

Every scar is a key to my past,

A key to memories,

Both good and bad,

Every one of them tells a story,

A story of its own,

An argument,




And hate,

Opening them up,

And remembering it all,

Brings back the hurt and the pain,

I don’t know I managed to hold on for that long,

Looking back now,

I realise how bad I was,

And could have got,

That was my past though,

And some people seem to think I still live in the past,

And am still like I was,

But I’m not,

I’ve changed,

I’m not who I was anymore,

Not deep done,

I’ve moved on,

Got on with my life,

My past will stay with me forever,

But sometimes people need to stop bringing it up to let me move on,

Let me continue my life,

What’s left of it,

And let me repair it.

Welcome to my life and my thoughts. Poems.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin