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{Skipping Few Hours/Tobi's POV}

Tami hasn't come home yet and I was starting to worry. I look at my phone to see she still hasn't seen my messages, did something happen? I sigh and decide to text the guys on the group chat hoping one of them have seen Tami

Has anyone seen Tami? She went out for fresh air and few hours ago but hasn't came back yet. I've messaged her but she hasn't seen my messages and I've called her but it goes to voicemail. I'm worried, she looked upset when she left :/ ~ Tobi

I put my phone down on my desk and sigh before looking at my computer, I lean back on my chair and just stare at my screen. Have I done something to upset her? Just then my phone pings, I grab it and look at it

She just left Nando's. Me, Josh and Vik walked into Nando's just as she was leaving. She told us that she was picking up food for you. What happened? She did seem a little upset but we didn't question it ~ Simon

Nando's? But I'm not hungry, Selena made us both a snack and I ate that. And I don't know since she was fine this morning and when we was talking. Then all of a sudden, her mood just changed ~ Tobi

She's getting Nando's? Why didn't she just tell me? We all could've just went there to eat

Tami's with us. We'll drop her off and her phone is on airplane mode. Don't worry about her ~ Josh

Wait what? Simon said she just left? How is she all of a sudden with them? Actually why is she with them and not me?

{Tami's POV}

I watch as Josh places his phone down before the three of them stare at me

"What happened?" Vik asked and I just look at my hand

"Tami? Does it have to do with Selena?" Josh asked and I look at him before nodding my head

"What did she do?" Simon asked

"Tobi's been distant with me since she has shown up. I only get attention from him in the morning and at night before I fall asleep. I'm just invisible to him the rest of the day" I said and sighed

"Not surprised" Josh said and I looked at him confused

"What do you mean?" I asked

"When Selena and Tobi went out way back, Tobi wasn't himself. He was distant with me and our other friends. He would spend so much time with her and spend a fuckton of cash on her. She was using him for her own good. We tried to tell him but he never listened to us. I was invisible to him. His family was invisible. Nothing in this world mattered to him than Selena" Josh said and I felt like my heart was going to break there and then

"What are you trying to say?" I asked and Simon sighs

"You need to be careful with when you leave Selena with Tobi but also try getting his attention back to you or YouTube. Either one just to keep him away from Selena" Simon said

"But how? His attention wouldn't come back to me" I said

"Then we need to get him to focus back onto YouTube" Vik said

"We might have to do this as a group" Josh said

"What do you have in mind?" I asked

"Fake accounts and send fake hate for him not uploading. He is sensitive and that will break him into focusing on his channel" Josh said and I shook my head

"I can't send him hate. He trusts me and I can't break that. There has to be another way" I said as a tear rolls down my face. The guys look at each other before looking at me

"We get rid of Selena. We have to break her somehow and get her out of the flat" Vik said

"She doesn't have anywhere to stay though" I said

"Leave that kind of stuff to us to deal with. Until then, you try getting close to Tobi again. Get your boyfriend back" Simon said and they all smiled, I smiled a little and nodded my head. These guys are my family. They are my brothers and I don't know what I would do without them...


So that happened XD

Hope you have a lovely day and cya

Tamiii x

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