Chapter 25

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Thanks for waiting for so long! I hope this is worthy enough for the wait! I know I had already posted a chapter 25, but it's not exactly what I wanted so I changed it a bit, so if you read that chapter 25 from before, this is the replacement.
- Mannie

Filming for season 4 starts up, and even though our relaxing month is over, it's still nice not worrying too much about Jake and Jordan. Carter has gotten better from the poison and is back to her crazy self, and always following around Steven or I. Steven works with her everyday on her walking. She gets so excited when she finally catches up to him, as does he. Sometimes I forget that Steven isn't her father because of the way he treats her like his daughter. Not once has he ever said anything about how Jake is her father even though he hates the bastard more than I do. He loves Carter for her. But it isn't until a couple weeks into filming that I see how much he means to Carter, and how much she means to him.
Andy and I are working on our scene where we are out working on the fences. It's extremely hot out and with the my outfit for this scene, I keep taking water breaks. Every break, I take off the amor over my chest, and throw it to the ground next to me, even though it pisses off the wardrobe people. During my 3rd time asking for a water break, I look over to the grass area inside the fence. Steven is chasing Carter, her giggles echoing throughout the entire place. She looks so little compared to him, but he stays farther back than her, making sure he never catches up to her.
"You okay Lauren?" Andy says, sitting down next to me.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I chuckle.
"Well you're crying for one," he laughs, taking his towel to wipe my tears. "And you've just haven't been yourself lately."
I shrug, looking back at Steven and Carter. He's picked her up now and she snuggles her head into her chest while he puts his on top of hers and rubs her back.
"How did I get so lucky," I whisper, more to myself but Andy here's me, looking out at the two of them.
"He loves her like his own," he says, chuckling. "I can't tell you how many times he has sent me these adorable pictures of her sleeping on him, or her with food on her face, or even of just you and Carter, sleeping on the couch." He smiles at me. I smile back, but quickly turn my attention back to Steven and Carter. Getting up from the ground, I run to the gate, ignoring Andy's question as to where I'm going. Quickly opening the fence into the quart yard, I run faster over to the two of them, almost tripping in a hole. Steven turns as he hears me almost trip.
"Look Carter, here comes mommy," he says, pointing at me. It makes my chest ache, seeing these two together, and it makes me run faster. His face becomes confused as I come closer to them.
"Lauren what's wrong?" He asks, worried.
Slowing down as I come to the two of them, I shake my head but smile, tears falling down my face. Steven tries pulling me in his arms, but before he can, I grab his face into my hands and pull it towards mine, connecting our lips. It shocks him, I can't tell, but he kisses back. Pulling back after a couple of seconds, I rest my forehead against his.
"I love you," I whisper to him. "I love you so much." He smiles at me, kissing me again.
"Get a room!" We hear Norman shout for across set. That draws everyone's attention towards us, and we both smile as we hear shouts and whistles coming from them all.
"I love you too," Steven says to me once we break apart.
"Lauren, we need to finish this scene!" Andy shouts from where we are shooting on the other side of the fence.
"I'm coming!" I shout back, laughing. Steven laughs too, pecking me on the lips one more time before shooing me away back to my scene. I can't wipe the smile off my face for the rest of day.
It's hours before we are done for the day, and by the time we leave, Carter is already fast sleep in Steven's arms. They have spent all day together since Steven didn't have to shoot many scenes today. Me on the other hand, I'm exhausted from how many scenes I've had to do today. We are working on episode 5 of season 4, and we did most of my scenes today, so Steven will probably have most of his tomorrow. He puts Carter into the car and then helps me. He grabs my hand as he drives, smiling over at me. I smile back, tiredly, and fight to keep my eyes open.
The next thing I know, I'm being lifted out of the car and into a pair of familiar strong arms. Opening my eyes enough to see what's going on, I look up to see Steven carrying me into his apartment.
"Carter," I ask, looking around for her.
"I already put her in her crib, she's still asleep," he says, carrying me into his room. I nod, yawning as he lays me down.
"Goodnight babe," he says, kissing me on the forehead. I smile, too tired to say anything. The last thing I hear before I fall asleep is the shower turning on, and Steven trying to sing in the shower.

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