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Daniel didn't go to the common room to say goodbye to all the people that were leaving that morning. He only talked to 3 people his whole time there, so he felt no need to go and see who was leaving. He'd know soon enough. He had said his goodbyes to Rick and Phoenix, and given them his contact information so they could still talk when Daniel got out.

However, Daniel had never said any goodbyes to CJ. He hoped he wouldn't have to, that CJ would be staying a while longer. It was selfish, but Daniel didn't care. He didn't want to be completely alone in here.

Daniel found out soon enough who was leaving and who wasn't. Rick and Phoenix were gone, and Daniel's room felt far more empty than before. Sitting at his usual breakfast table he felt lonely and bored. Finally, CJ came to join him, grinning widely.

"Hey, Daniel," he greeted cheerfully.

"Hi, CJ," Daniel answered slowly. "They didn't let you out?"

"Nah, but that's fine."

Daniel looked at him for a second, failing to understand how CJ could remain happy even though he was still stuck in there for however long they decided to keep him. CJ was usually happy, but he was really looking forward to leaving. Daniel suddenly remembered hoping he stayed, and then instantly blaming himself. Some greater force must have heard him and granted him his stupid wish. Of course that was ridiculous, but in Daniel's mind that was exactly what happened.

CJ's smile never faltered as Daniel slowly quit worrying about his release and began to admire the smile that was always there. He loved the way his eyes lit up, and how the corners of them crinkled. He really did appreciate it when people smiled around him, but when he saw CJ smile, it was especially beautiful. He of course didn't just like CJ for his exterior beauty, but Daniel could get lost in those deep brown eyes for hours.

"You okay?" CJ asked, a bit concerned. Daniel realized he wasn't talking and had just been staring at CJ.

"Yeah, I'm fine, sorry," Daniel apologized quickly, his face turning a bit red.

"Don't worry about it," CJ shrugged.

Daniel smiled and asked, "So what are you doing this summer?"

"I had concert tickets but y'know," CJ answered, clearly a bit annoyed with being stuck in the hospital and missing out.

"I'm sorry about that," Daniel muttered, thinking about how he had his own concert in about a week and a half.

"Don't worry about it," CJ said, suddenly back to bring bright and happy. Daniel wondered if he was okay, but he didn't say anything about it.

Daniel thought about confessing to CJ that he had feelings for him. The thought popped up in Daniel's mind, and he was quick to shut it out. He'd do it later. Perhaps at lunch. Daniel decided that would be as good a time as any to come clean.

Daniel shuffled to his room after breakfast, wanting to lie down for a bit before seeing Dr. Joseph. He met his new roommate who was to replace Rick as he was settling in. His name was Sebastian, and Daniel learned he was here on a suicide attempt. Aside from that, Daniel paid no mind to him. They sorted roommates by age, but there were a couple years between Daniel and Sebastian, who was likely about 18.

Eventually, Daniel did move to Dr. Joseph's office, the two greeting each other with smiles.

"Hi, Daniel," Dr. Joseph beamed, happy looking as usual.

"Hi," Daniel answered weakly.

Dr. Joseph ran through the standard questions, noting Daniel's answers.

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