||Chapter 8 ||

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((You had gotten home and gone to sleep))

You wake up to your alarm sounding. School. Rubbing your eyes, you looked down at your hands and realised you didn't take off your make up last night. You jumped out o bed and ran to the mirror. Thank God, no pimples. You wiped off the excess eye makeup and walked into the kitchen. You've been eating more lately, ever since you and Gerard got together, you felt as though you didn't have to starve yourself, and you felt as though you actually wanted to look after yourself. Gerard made you feel happy within yourself, and you loved it.

Once you were dressed, you opened the front door and stepped outside. Gerard was waiting for you at the end of the lawn. His hands behind his back and a smile upon his face. He looked to cute and smart. You walked towards him and were stretched out your arms for a hug, but was stopped when something was shoved into your face. You opened your eyes to see a bunch of crimson roses beneath your nose, neatly tied together with a black ribbon. 'Oh my God...' You said, holding the bouqet, eyes open wide. 'I'm sorry, don't you like the colour, I can get others' You looked up at Gerard, once again tears forming in your eyes. 'No...I love them, so much, I'm just going to put them in my room...' you walked back into your house, and put the roses into a vase in your room, right next to your bed.

After you got outside again, you ran into Gerards arms and bear hugged him. 'Erm, (y/n)? I like to breath' He said, cuddling you back. 'Why do you care about me so much?' you asked him. H seamed to stiffen in the hug, he pushed you back at arms length, looked you in the eye and said, 'because, I love you'. He said it. He told you he loved you. You couldn't help the giant smile spreading across your face. 'I...' you said, 'I love you too'. Once again, you two were in a suffocating hug, until some one walked past you, pushing you both onto the grass of your lawn. 'Jeez! Get a room' You hear Frank say. He was with Mikey and Tabby, 'but maybe later, we have school to get to'. Oh no, you had totally forgotten about school.

You, Gerard, Tabby, Frank and Mikey all walked to school together. Once you all goth there, you were all about 10 mins late. Everyone rushed off to their classes, sadly, you weren't in a class with Gerard, or any of your other friends at all. You made your way to English Literature class, preparing an excuse in your head as to why you were late. Opening the door to your class, you walked over to the teacher sitting over at the desk, she asked why you were late, and you came up with a lame excuse of how the bus was late. The teacher just brushed off you excuse, but let you get away with it. As you walked towards your seat, you saw it was occupied, 'Uhm, Miss? where shall I sit?' You asked, moving slightly to the side to let the teacher see the situation. 'Ah, yes, I'm sorry (y/n), the new student, Ray, has taken your seat for today, you will have to sit on the spare desk at the back of the room'. You turned around and calmly walked over to the spare desk, sat down and the lesson proceeded.

At the end of the lesson, you grabbed your stuff and stood up. As you turned around to walk out, the new kid was standing infront of you, whats his name? Didn't the teacher say? ah yes, Ray. 'Erm, hey?' you said to him, he just smiled and said, 'Uh yeah! I'm sorry I sat in your place...' He awkwardly fixed his curly fro. 'Its okay dude' you say. You and Ray introduce yourselves and sat in class for another 2 mins talking to eachother. You two became good friends, 'do you wanna meet my other friends?' you asked him, 'Sure!' he replied. You and Ray walked out of class, and into the canteen for recess.

You saw Gerard and the gang sitting at your usual table. The one Gerard and you sat at his first day at school. When you were humiliated in Art class. The memory of that day came flooding back. You stopped dead in your tracks, Ray stopping, turning to you and asking 'You ok? whats up?'. You looked up at him, tears clouding your eyes. He didn't need to know whats up, he just hugged you. You melted into your new friends hug, it was nice, Ray was tall, and it made you feel safe. You knew Ray was a supportive friend, and you was happy.

'Ehem?' You heard someone clear their throat, asking for your attention. You released yourself from Ray's hug, and turned to see Gerard standing next to you. With quite an angry expression upon his face. Gerard looked over to Ray, clearly telling him to fuck off. Ray left and went to have his first conversation with Frank and co. They seemed to be getting along fine. 'So whos he?' Gerard said, snapping your attention back to him, 'Just a friend I met today...' you replied. 'Oh yeah, theyre always "just a friend"' he used his fingers to do air quotes, the frown deepening. His hazel eyes didn't seem so welcoming anymore. Is Gerard jealous of your new found friendship? 'No, I promise, he's just a friend' You took a step towards Gerard, he took a step back in response. 'Whats his name atleast?' He asked. You could of sworn you caught Ray's second name on his exercise book in English. 'Uh, Ray Toro' You replied. Gerard's face softened, 'Ray Toro...' he repeated, as if he were trying to remember something.

Gerard walked over to the group, and stood infront of Ray. Gerard then hugged Ray. You stood there in shock, and so did Ray. As you walked over, you caught a bit of their conversation. '-from Primary School?' Gerard was saying. 'Oh my gosh yeah I remember you!' Ray returned the tight squeeze of a hug that Gerard first gave. 'So, what just happened?' you said, standing next to Gerard. Gerard turned to you, his happy face melted to a guilty one. '(y/n), I'm so sorry, when I saw you with Ray, I got really jealous, I don't like seeing you hugging another boy, but when I realised it was an old buddy of mine from Primary School, I just didn't really care' You smiled weakly and looked to the floor. Gerard took your hand and pulled you into a hug, whispering in your ear, 'its okay, I just love you so much, promise to be mine forever?' Oh my God, is this like a mini engagement before engagement? You wiped the over exaggeration out of your head and whispered back, 'forever, this is How its going to be' You replied, tightening the hug. You could feel him smile into the crook of your neck, his warm breath tickling you a little. The bell sounded for next period, you kissed Gerard goodbye as you walked towards Maths.

(A/N) I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfiction, I'm having fun writing it! And I'm sorry if the storyline is boring or dragging on :/ I LOVE YOU ALL <3 ~ Kayla Way

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