|| Chapter 18 ||

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You, Gerard and Mikey were on the way to the gig.
"God i hope this band is atleast good" Gerard threw back his head as if he was already bored of whatever music is to come from a band called Death Baby(totally fake band btw).
"We'll see when we get there" you playfully nudged his arm.

As you rounded a corner, you saw what seemed to be the tail of a queue into a place playing music.
"Is that where we are going?" you turned to Mikey, who was walking slightly infront.
"Yeah it is, lets get in line" he walked straight over to the end of the line.
"At least the lines not too long" Gerard tiptoed to look over the river of people infront of us.
You nodded agreement.

After about half an hour of chatting in the queue, people started shuffling in through the door into the bar. Mikey said this place was friendly enough to let you in if you were underage, but would watch you like a hawk so you didnt try to buy alcohol. Which is fair enough.

Some more minutes passed and you were passing under the doorframe into a dimly lit, fairly large room with a very grungey feel to it. Circular tables and small stool were dotted around the room, with a space down the middle as a pathway and enough space by the stage-which was at the back center of the room- for people to get up and dance.
We all went to the bar and asked for a pint of Coca-Cola each, and then sat at a table fairly close to the front.

30 minutes of stereo music and chatter, the lights turned a little lower and a group walked onto stage. So this is Death Baby. 5 females in maybe their mid 20s, dressed in mostly black and wearing pink plaid skirts. All of them had their hair in two ponytails either side of their head. Well atleast the name made more sense now.

They introduced themselves, blah, blah, blah, and then begun their opening song. It. Was. Good. Like so good you didnt understand how these girls could make such wonderful music. The music wasnt hardcore but wasnt soft either, almost pure rock, with a feminine twist on it.

As soon as the second song rolled around, people were up and dancing on the dancfloor. You and Gerard were dancing like idiots, but you didnt care. Mikey stayed at the table because hes awkward like that. The night almost melted away like butter.

As the closing song finished, you and Gerard went back to the table, to see some curly haired dude sitting with Mikey. Seriously this dude has a fro.
As you sat down, Mikey turned to us and said, "Hey guys, I made a new friend, this is Ray."

Ray smiled and waved his hand,
"I saw that Mikey was one of the only other people sitting at the table so i thought id come sit with him".
You see Gerard just pull a face that says 'fair enough' so you follow suite and do the same.
"Oh God im knackered" You say, placing your head on the table.
"Haha, lets go home" Gerard puts his arm around you as you stand up, making sure you have everything to go.

Just before you leave, you see Mikey and Ray exchanging numbers. Its nice to see Mikey make a new friend, you feel as though itd be good for Mikey to be able to talk to someone else except you Gerard and Donna. Mikey has a couple friends in school but they dont really hang out outside of school.

When you get outside, Gerard pulls a box out of his pocket, opens it and pulls out a cigarette and a lighter.
"Gerard, what the fuck, when did u start smoking?" You turned to him sharply.
"I dont know, like, since before we got together"
You stand there in silence as Gerard holds a cigarette in his mouth, zippo poised to light it.

"Give me one then" you say, reaching for the box. You get hold of it, take one out, put it between your lips and gesture for the lighter.
"Do you even know how to smoke...?"
Gerard mumbles as he lights his cigarette then passes you the lighter.
"Ive tried it once, but i never really had another chance after that to try. I dont even remember if i liked it." You lit your cigarette, inhaling like you thought you should. It went fine. Amd it was as if all the stress or anxiety you were feeling was just a little bit easier to deal with.

Finally Mikey emerged out from the bar with Ray, then Ray split off and went to the left down the road.
"So when you next seeing Ray?" You asked Mikey, knowing full well they mustve planned a day out by how long they stood in there.
"Next week, we dont know what were gunna do but i said he could come over ours and chill until we figure out something to do." he tilted his head to the side briefly,"or just stay in the house and chill i guess. Well figure it out, lets go home" Mikey pulled out his phone and called Donna to come pick us up.

"Have you not noticed something, Mikey?" You stood next the Gerard, smoking the last bits of your cigarettes,
"Uh, no?"
"We're smoking? dont tell me you arent surprised or something" You stood there waving the nearly finished cigarette around in the air.
"i already knew Gerard smoked, which would eventually mean you would smoke, so no im not really surprised" Mikey walked over to the wall of the building and leaned against it. "Mom should be here in 10 minutes".

10 Minutes passed, you and Gerard finished your cigarette with plenty of time to spare before Donna got there to pick you up. You all went home and dropped dead in your beds. Tonight was fun, but very tiring.

A/N: Another sneaky chapter for you coz why not. ~ Kayla Way

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