[4] fellow writer this is all overwhelming and scary!

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I'm putting so much detail into this that I can to get my point across. (Sorry if I'm writing literally a whole novel even tho I just started this.)

Yes, we're different.
Who cares? The government?
Didn't think so.
Yes, we act out and wear tails and do crazy stuff.
we are still physically human.
So before you judge, before you leave, at least consider understanding what we go through every single day at school or in public.

We're judged, we're made fun of, people question us multiple times, people look at us and say "oh they should belong in a mental hospital" well so should you for judging so stfu. We also try our hardest to keep that animal inside.
Do you know how hard it is to keep another thing or spirit inside of you calm? (*violently sprays pervert be gone*) do you know how hard it is not to lash out and bite or scratch someone for bumping you in the hallway? DO YOU KNOW, how hard it is to contain that animal if someone makes us angry?
Then stop judging.
If you're willing to take down a Therian, I dare you.

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