[5] Judged- Personal therian note

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So Me and one of my really close friends told our other friend on the bus about me being a Therian. It went well until he said he would note this as all schizophrenia stuff, because in the bible it said reincarnation was a sin.
It made me really really upset that he called it schizophrenia. So I was depressed the whole day and night. I texted him this morning and told him these exact words:

"Listen Noah, you placing therians under schizophrenia stuff, because of what the bible said. Isn't okay. Do you want to know why? The kids who are therians have to deal with people making fun of them and questioning them about something they can't control SPIRITUALLY. Some of the kids that are therians also face things like Depression, anxiety, and other things like that (like me) and some other kids could also have schizophrenia while being a Therian.
Being a Therian isn't something you put under the list of schizophrenia.
Let me explain enough so your brain can comprehend,
The animal can sense the words your saying, they can either be angry (showing it through the person) or any other emotion. [Therians are 100% physically Human at all times and we understand that. We are not "special" for being the way we are. We don't use our identity to escape situations. We live normal human lives. Therianthropy is nowhere near being related to gender, sexuality, age, race, mental illnesses or disorders, furries, or religion.Therians can feel and sense at times limbs that aren't there (phantom limbs) like when Britanie was petting my head today on the bus. You wanna know what that was about? She was petting my ears. You may not have seen it, Britanie may not have seen it, no one else may not have seen it, but I did. I felt it and saw it. I saw my tail hanging off the bus chair, I felt my tail get smushed against my 1000 pound backpack (resulting in my yelping). Just because you don't see it, or feel it, or sense it, doesn't mean it isn't there. When you said that Therian types could be placed under schizophrenia, do you wanna know what I felt? I felt the sadness of myself and my animal. I was upset. I was crying because of that, it may not have been the human way of crying, but I was crying. I was so deep in emotion because of it that I couldn't control Moon and she just came out."

Of course, since he's really religious, this morning on the bus he sent me these exact words;

"No offense but I honestly don't care if u think it's something spiritual because it's never going to be true even if u keep telling urself it is

No human was ever an animal and u are not a wolf spirit or some crap like that

And how do u call urself a Christian or anything if u are on the opposite end of the spectrum and walking the path of evil

U honestly need to go to a church and sit at the alter and pray to God that u may be healed because I know I'm praying for u."

After he sent me that I let my friend read it and I just started crying.
I was once again so depressed and upset today, that I literally wanted to die. I didn't care I just wanted to die.

Now, I'm telling myself this, people are going to have their own stupid opinion on stuff.

[     ] = worded from a website

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