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Chapter Eleven

"He kissed you!" Daisy squeaked then quickly looked around with her eyes wide in case any of the others had heard but they were all laughing their heads off at some stupid movie Logan had picked out that he was going to get Daisy to snap and burn after it was done.

After the park everyone had decided to "take this party elsewhere" or as Logan put it. After they'd wandered aimlessly forever Daisy had offered her house as sanctuary. Casper kind of wanted to go home and be in his own company but then he remembered the one person that he didn't want to see right now was way too close for him to find closure or wallow in himself.

They all scrambled up the stairs to Daisy's room, all giving a quick greeting to her mum who was in the living when passing who gave a feeble wave and a smile back, her hands placed on her swollen stomach.

"How many months now." Casper asked noticing that it was way bigger than the last time he had seen Daisy's mum.

"Just two." Daisy grinned, her eyes full of excitement. I guess becoming a big sister never got old, Daisy was the eldest to two: Bethany and Daryl and another one was on the way and fast.

Logan burst into Daisy's room like he owned it, Daniel was a little more cautious and the other just followed in. Daisy's room was sort of interesting: a double bed pushed in to the corner with millions of pillows and soft toys, a desk with a light and pink laptop, a small bookcase filled to the brim with all kind of books and DVDs and others towering around it, white walls with a few posters here and there of a mixture of bands and people, pale panelled wood with a soft pink rug in the middle, and a TV stuck to the wall. Casper liked that the room reflected Daisy perfectly.

After she was sure nobody was listening in she turned back to Casper."He really kissed you?"

"Yeah..." Casper sighed, curling into a ball with his thumb nail in his mouth and other hand ruffling through his hair.

Daisy gave a quiet squeal into her pink jumper that was the same colour as her cheeks before quickly composing herself.

"Oh my God," she breathed. "He kissed you. Wait- who kissed who first. Did James kiss you or did you kiss him or was it like a mutual thing where you both kinda attacked each other and-"

"I don't know!" Casper hissed, interrupting Daisy before her voice got any higher and thought about it for a second." It might have been him but then I might've stared a little too long- or that might've been him too or I did- why am I even talking about this? It doesn't freaking matter! What matters is that we've kissed again and this time without being egged on or drunk. This is fucking real."

Casper slumped against the wall. Him and Daisy had sat in a corner of the room as Logan and Hedge and Darla had occupied the bed. Daniel was close by Darla as she refused to let him go. Daisy had went to squeeze in beside Hedgehog but Casper had grabbed her arm and pleaded that he needed to talk to her with his eyes and she obliged because Daisy is the best friend of all friends. Even if she did forget about him sometimes in the perfect state of being couple-y with her super perfect girlfriend that may as well just be her wife because- come on! Two people couldn't be as perfect and close as those two if they weren't meant to be together forever.

Hedgehog had been kind of confused when her girlfriend suddenly changed course from being snuggled in her arms to the corner of the room with Casper but let it slide when Daisy had kissed her on her temple. Casper frowned at them being all cute, he felt guilty for keeping them away from each other but he didn't really.

"What do you think it means?" Daisy said softly, eyes on the screen and just speaking her mind out loud than anything else. Not really meaning to be answered.

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