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Update: tweaked and edited :)


Chapter Two 


The fifth years had been told as they entered the school that they were going to be going first for their year photo followed my individual and family. This resulted in all girls running out of registration to the girl’s toilets to claim a mirror before anyone else. The guys were just as bad.

Casper on the other hand had brought his own mirror. He stayed in his registration class smugly. Pretentious as it looked, and how many times James had looked over and laughed, Casper didn’t care. He could tell some of them wished they had thought of it as they realised they would never get a chance to see the state they were in until it was printed permanently on a piece of paper. Besides, Casper had only took it out for a second and tried to put it back in his bag when he saw that not a hair was out of place but James had other ideas, he ended up snatching it off of him and checking himself out with it.

James had the mirror for longer than Casper, looking over himself way more than necessary and he still had the cheek to call Casper out on it. They have ended up using the mirror again quickly before the bell rang and they had to make their way down to the assembly hall after having a short struggle with each other over it which resulted in muzzed up hair.


Casper stood with his friend Daisy waiting to be told where to be put on the stands.

“Why aren’t we allowed to wear our jumpers?” Daisy growled,” do they not realise that some people need to run to school and might have sweat seeping through their fucking shirts?”

“Yeah, but not everyone leaves at ten to nine, when they know that the school is a twenty minute walk from their house,” Casper said.

“Shut up,” she snapped, tugging her shirt viciously, trying to dry the sweat before it soaked through.

He and Daisy had been forced to go down to the short people queue, begrudgingly as Casper did. Not that it mattered much; the photographer didn’t really seem t care as he put them into lines from the top of the stand down to the bottom randomly. He ended up putting students of all heights to where ever he pleased. Daisy and Casper ended up somewhere in the middle and then another row beneath them where an unmistakable flash of blue hair was amongst them which was one on the tall queues.

He didn’t have time to look for him and glare though because the photographer had finished and was happy with his disastrous set up and was already behind his camera.

“Say cheese!”


Over a hundred students stood in two separate lines in the assembly for their individual photos. In amongst them was Casper; slightly slouched, looking at the ground with a frown. The whole year photo had been a disaster, he just knew it.

The photographer had taken five photos. Four of which Casper had messed up.

The first one he hadn’t been ready for the bright flash. He had blinked.

The second he hadn’t smiled the way had been practicing for the past week in the mirror.

The third had been the right one, perfection.

The fourth, a hand had given a sudden squeeze at his ankle. He had let out a surprised squeal, causing uproar of laughter from the students around him in hearing range. Casper’s hands were covering his face in embarrassment when the fourth picture was taken, the flash being seen from the gape of his fingers.

And, finally, the fifth Casper had found the owner of the hand had been of none other than a casually smirking James Davidson. Of course it was him.

In that fifth photo, Casper had stuck his tongue out at him just as the flash of the camera went off. He prayed to God that the third photo was picked to send out.

He twiddled with his black and blue fringe nervously now in waiting for the next step through hell that was an individual photo. Nothing was going to ruin this photo, nothing.

Casper hated looking up at the photos of his past disasters every time he ate at the dinner table; his Mum had them all since the beginning of primary school. And she wouldn’t not order the pictures no matter how hard he pleaded, she made the excuse that she was just a mother being proud of her only son and make these big puppy eyes at him that she knew were Casper’s downfall. She made him cave every time. So he needed at least one picture that he could at least bare to look at.

“Ten quid yours still looks like shit,” James said to his best friend Logan. Logan just laughed, flashing his attractive set of pearly whites.

“Twenty quid that yours is worse.”

“In your dreams mate. Prepare for lighter pockets.”

“As if they are ever,” Logan countered, patting his side. 

 “Oh, I’m next, wish me luck guys,” Hedgehog said, rolling her eyes at the two of themed before disappearing behind a white screen. Casper bit his nail, he was next.

“Stop it.” Casper looked up from the floor and saw that James was talking to him,” just looking at you makes me nervous. It’s not like it’s the end of the world, it’s a freaking picture, get over it!”

Casper practically ripped his nail from his mouth and slapped his hands by his, his cheeks blazing furiously,” well, sorry for making you uncomfortable,” Casper grunted.

“No, that’s not what I-” he began, but it was Casper’s turn for a photograph. He walked away hearing only a great sigh from behind him.


“Okay, so once we get the pictures back we’re having a get together at my place,” Logan cheered. They all retuned it with fist in the air. Logan’s house was the freaking best for parties, his parents didn’t even care.

“In celebration of our sexiness!” Daisy joined, the group of friends cheered again and all burst into fits of laughter.

“Anyone with an un-sexy picture is instantly uninvited,” Logan warned seriously, then breaking out in a huge grin,” but I’m sure that’s not possible with any of us.”

“True ‘Dat,” Hedgehog grinned.

The group of friends made their way to the cafeteria to find a table. Casper found himself trailing at the back, regrettably, James noticed the slight trudge in his walk.

“What’s up, Squirt?”

Casper looked up in surprise. There was no sense of mockery or sarcasm to his tone. Was he genuinely confused about Casper’s well-being? Surely not.

“Realise you’re not going to the party anymore because your photo will be a disaster? Just like every year,” he sneered.

The mockery that seemed to be permanently dancing in his eyes whenever he was around Casper was back, just hidden for his own enjoyment as he watched Casper’s reaction.

It’s not like Casper knew himself why this was so important to him. It just was. He sort of looked at it like a sort of exam. See who got the best mark when the results came in and who fucked everything up, except these were pictures and it wouldn’t affect his life entirely but he still felt that he had something to prove, he just didn’t really know what it was. And the fact that James was making it worse – as everything else he did- pissed him off.

Casper clenched his jaw and stormed away from him, catching up with the rest. He didn’t know what made him get his hopes up in that small space of time but he should’ve known it was too good to be true.

James Davidson would always be a heartless bastard.


Right, i've just come to the conclusion that I just suck at writing but I neeeed to practice if I want to take higher English in my fifth year T^T Bare with me please!! and advise me if you could? Tell me where I could improve or where I'm going wrong? I beg of you!

Anyway, thanks for reading!! It may get better as I get more into the story as nothing has actually happened yet...

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