Chapter 1

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I rushed into the diner in the disgusting yellow and red uniform. I hated working at Anelle’s Diner. It was crap pay and long hours after school and I had to serve every popular person in the school. But I needed the little money that I got.

I cringed as I saw the Stacey’s silver Porsche pull up outside the Diner. I knew then that today would be tough.

By the way I’m Mikayla and welcome to my boring life.

Stacey walked through the doors with that smug smile. Her minions Annie and Bonnie were by her side giggling at nothing.

‘Hey, Diner girl, c’mere I’d like to take my order.’ Stacey smiled.

‘Humph.’ I scowled at her. I grabbed my notepad and a pencil, then bladed over to her table. Did I mention that we had to wear rollerblades as part of the uniform?

‘So Diner girl what’s the specials?’ She shared a look with Annie and Bonnie.

‘Just tell me what you want.’ I snapped, I realised how much I wanted how wring her neck. One word. Bitch.

‘Ohhh, snappy today. Look I don't think thats very nice after all you are the useless Diner Girl.' She said the last words like it was a sin. I hate her like the stab-her-in-the-eye-with-a-sewing-needle hate.

'What do you want?' I clenched my teeth, gripping the notepad my knuckles whitening.

'Well, I don't know, you haven't told me the specials. But I guess I'll take the Chicken Caeser Salad minus the dressing, minus the bread crumbs, minus the dressing and minus the cheese.' She looked expectantly at the girls and together they said,

'Same' And continued looking at the perfectly manicured nails.

I bladed away into the kitchen and stuck the order on the pin and opened to bags of leaf salad chucked it on three plates. I placed them on a tray with three glasses of water.

I had mastered blading with a tray in my hands on only once in a blue moon would I ever trip up and fall and so what happened today was completely wierd.

I took long strides and I was carefully watching the glasses desperately trying to keep them from falling and as soon as I looked up WHAM! I smashed myself into the cutest guy ever.

'Oh my I am so so so so sorry, I didn't see you I was- Oh gosh I'm sorry...' I kept apologizing.

I pulled myself up and brushed off crushed lettuce and other plants. I stared down at my victim and fell instantly in love. He reached out for my hand and I placed mine in his and instead of pulling him up he pulled me down. I fell on top of him and we laid there laughing and giggling.

'Payback, don't mess with me.' He winked at me and gave me a cheeky smile, he had a sexy english accent. He got up and guess who came along.

'Hi I'm Stacey, nice to meet you.' Stacey pushed her way past me on the ground and switched on her flirtatious attitude.

'Hey. I'm Jack, Jack Harries.' He looked past her at me as if it were meant for me too.

But as those two spoke what looked like Jack helped me up. I looked back in the direction of Stacey and saw Jack. I kept looking from the look-ailke to Jack I didn't understand.

'Hiya, I'm Finn, Finn Harries, that one's twin.' He said with his identical accent as he pointed to Jack. He showed a charming smile and led me over to them.

'Oh, yes Miki, those salads?' That was her way of dismissing me from the conversation.

This time I wouldn't let her get to me.

'Oh yeah another waitress will attend to it I just wanted apologize.' I looked meaningfully at Jack. Then thankfully at Finn. Finn grinned.

'Hey, no apology needed, you owe me one though...'He trailed off with a sparkle in his eye.

'Anything!' I pleaded.

'Your number?' He cheekily smiled at me and took the pen out of my apron and then my notepad and passed it to me. Finn was staring back with a twinkle of jealousy etched on his face. He snatched the notepad and scrawled something. I think... I think I'm falling for both of them...

He passed it back and then Jack stared at Finn with spite then he took the notepad from my hands and scribbled down his own number and chucked it back they both waited expectantly. I wrote my number on two bits of paper and smiled at them.

'I'll call you!' They yelled at the same time. Then looked at eachother with evil in their eyes.

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