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Hello everyone! Wow, it's been a while since I've been on Wattpad. Being who I am, I'm not going to be like a decent author and finish a story I've already promised you, nor one that you've read half of. Instead, I have here a new story! Don't hate me! :)

(Yes, I will come back to my incomplete stories eventually. I'm just really, really excited for this one. And hey, this will be updated every Monday, so at least you're not waiting forever, right?)

This is my first My Chemical Romance fanfic, which I outlined, wrote, meticulously edited, rewrote, and edited more, until I decided it was internet-worthy. Six editors and two NaNoWriMos later, here it is. Here are some things you should know before reading:

1) You don't need to be an MCR fan to read this book. The plot will still make sense. The only things that might go over your head are a few references made in passing to songs or other well-known fics (don't worry; I won't make you cry as much as ASOTM). You'll just get to know the characters as if they're characters in any other new book you'd pick up, rather than from background knowledge of the people. (On that note, MCRmy, there are puns literally everywhere. I hope you catch them all because I had way too much fun writing them and put in a bit too much effort to keep them making sense.)

2) This is a relatively innocent fic. I know the stereotype for fanfiction is lots of smut, but I pride myself in being outside of that stereotype. So if you've come here for some glamorous gay sex, you're only getting as far as romance. Sorry to disappoint.

3) These characters attend a private school. I have never been to a private school and honestly don't know the differences between private and public school – I just needed them to wear uniforms for the sake of plot convenience. Anyway, I thought I'd warn you all who may actually go to a private school that I highly doubt this is exactly how your school works. Just bear with me.

4) Those six editors I mentioned are on Instagram as @bamf.castiel, @mikeywayofsunshine, @camisadontyoumove, @mychemicalbrallon, @biscuitdun, and @polaroidfrnk. Give them some love for helping make this story what it is!

In the words of every Wattpad user ever, don't be afraid to leave comments! I might read them, I might not. But if you come to the comments to correct my spelling/grammar, you will... probably become my friend. As a fellow grammar lover, I think that's reasonable.

This story took off after watching the I'm Not Okay (I Promise) music video a few times (which is linked at the top of the page). I saw potential for a story to come from it and took it into my hands to tell. It may not be the most original story but it's what I've got. The story does brush on anxiety, abuse, and suicide, but I give plenty of warning closer to it before any of that happens.

Anyways, I won't keep you reading my own words forever. Have a story.

Enjoy! (Or don't, but that's just a waste of your own time).

Cassidy (Acting_is_mylife)

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