PART III: Chapter 1

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"Hi," Frank said as I sat down to lunch. He straightened his tie while he scooted to his left a little to make enough room.

"Hey," I replied. Remembering what Ray had suggested, I said the first thing that came to my mind about some class we had together. Luckily, my mouth and mind were on the same side today. "You didn't happen to finish the History homework, did you?"

"Yeah, I did." He chuckled. "I might be the only one, though."

"That's true. We're in a lazy class."

"Yeah. I don't really mind school, though, honestly."

"I'd rather watch Doctor Who than do homework. That's my downfall."

"Ooh, Doctor Who, huh?"

"What can I say, I'm secretly a nerd. Sorry."

"Don't apologize! I love Doctor Who. Rory is my favorite companion, hands down."

Of course he'd be the type to enjoy such a nerdy show. Maybe we weren't so different in that sense; the show was my secret pleasure. "I was going to say Amy's my favorite," I replied, "or maybe Donna. Both of their departures were so sad."

"I know. It's a painful show sometimes. But I mean, that's half the fun."


"If you don't watch Supernatural, I think you'd enjoy it. It's a similar show, but with more demons and... supernatural things, for lack of a better word."

"I'll have to check it out."

As the conversation slowed down, I casually looked up at Ray, who was staring at us like we'd just been discussing a mutual interest in murder. Like he was terrified to find out his friends' favorite shows.

"You absolute nerds."

Frank and I exchanged an amused glance.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Frank commented.

"Maybe you should watch Doctor Who and join us," I suggested.

"Join us..." Frank hissed. I laughed. Frank smiled at me as if his only purpose in life was to make me laugh.

The bell soon signaled the end of lunch. Frank headed to History but I stopped at my locker first.

I let myself relive what had just happened a little bit. These conversations I had with Frank were so nice to be in. Every time I talked to him I felt calmer, more comfortable, more myself. Usually I felt the need to analyze every word I said to another person on some level, but not with Frank. I said whatever came naturally. I loved having someone like that.

No, not loved. I was not romantically interested in him. I knew that, so... why did I feel the need to remind myself?

Maybe Romeo and Juliet was corrupting me.


The annual Sweethearts Dance was coming up quickly. On the last day of January, people started noticing how close February was, and in turn were suddenly realizing how quickly they needed to find a date. Everyone was suddenly finding themselves recklessly in love with each other, at least for the next couple of weeks. I was always impressed by the number of crying, freshly-single girls at school the Monday after the dance. The ones used for the men's egos. Granted, I won't say that's never happened to the guys. We just don't want our egos thrown out the door by our crying during school. We do that crap at home.

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