Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to MiriamAy. She's an amazing friend and a superb author! If you ever need a break from the mainstream cliche plot lines, then just click on her profile and read her stories. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. ☺☺

Voicemail of 1st January' 2011

02:54 a.m.

"Hello, love. It's rather cold out here, would you mind coming to me please? Unless you want me to lose my fingers to frostbite that is. But let me warn you, Ems, you'll miss my fingers. Whose hands will you hold if I don't have any fingers?!

"Wait... is this a scheme of yours to get rid of me? You'll say you can't stay with a finger-less man! Emma! Don't do this to me, love. I forbid you!"

An unintentional laugh escaped my lips. His drunken ramblings made me giddy and tense at the same time. Giddy because I had never encountered this side of his before, and tense because I worried over his safety at such a late hour of the night.

"Wait, where was I was going with this again? Ah, right, I remember now. I was saying that I'm cold as I stand outside of this really shiny building whose name I do not recall but, I do know that we had immense fun here.

"And I'm freezing, woman! Where are you? You told me to wait outside for you and I'm waiting. Don't hang me off in the cold now, please darling. I'm sure it's illegal to purposefully let your husband freeze to death."

He laughed then but, I froze. My hand stilled around the cell phone that felt like a horrid, possessed piece of metal that stung my palm.

Husband, he had said.


It had not been our dating anniversary he was previously talking about, had it? It was a wedding anniversary; our wedding anniversary.

My breathing became laboured and my ears begged to stop the voice entering them from reaching my brain. But he kept on speaking.

"Mat, where are you?"

A distant and different voice sounded in the phone this time - my voice.

"I'm right here, darling, slowly sacrificing my good health for my beautiful wife."

"Oh stop with your theatrics already. I'm way too drunk to respond to them."

"Only for you love, I will. Only for you,"

"Sure. And who are you talking to on the phone with?"

"Oh I'm talking to you-"


"Yes. Your poor hubby was trying to find you, you see. So, he called you."

"You're an amazing dork, you know."

She laughed then - the old me laughed.

Anyways, let's please go home. I'm thoroughly knackered and in need to sleep until the next century or maybe the next millennia..."

"Sure just let me find our car. It must be somewhere around here..."

"Oh no, you're not driving alright. I'd like to get us back home in one piece, thank you very much! So, we'll hail a taxi home and then someone will get the car."

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