Chapter 13

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Listen to the song AFTER reading this chapter. It'll fit much better then. :)

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to lydia. Please read her stories since they are too good to not be read and loved and shared. I mean this, guys. You'll fall in love with them and her. <3 <3


Voicemail of 30th April' 2015

09:29 a.m.

"Hello, love."

His voice was low-toned but husky – as if concealing an undertone of mischief.

A small smile crept up my face because of this. Even if for desperate reasons, he was returning to his old, amazing-dorky self.

"I would've asked you to guess my current whereabouts, but I've already proved myself to be a knobhead because of that a couple of times – not again."

He chuckled at the memory, and I laughed breathily.

"Anyways, right now I'm sitting in one your favourite places in this whole town: Cafe Blue's Leuc.

"Now don't ask how I came to know of this place. Let's just say that I've been sort of... you know... following you around every now and then."

I could imagine him sitting in a corner in my favourite cafe, with a drink on his table and a book in his hand, shyly glancing around every now and then with a shy smirk decorating his lips.

Unable to remember anything of our past life, not knowing whether I loved him or not, I could still manage to imagine him in that moment with all its scenic beauty.

An uncertain mixture of a frown and a sad smile glossed my face, perfectly representing my emotional train-wreck of a mind.

"But you can't be mad at me, love. I need to find out more about yo-"

He drew in a quick breath and then announced excitedly, albeit in a hushed voice:

"You're here! You're actually here!

"Oh dear God,"

Another rushed intake of air followed.

"Emma you look beautiful! I mean, it's still early in the morning and you're here for your breakfast and... Love, how do you manage to take my breath away every single time I see your face?

"God, it shouldn't be legal for you to look this... this radiant!"

I tightened my grip on the phone and dug nails in the palm of my other hand, hopelessly praying for the blood-rush to displace to my hands instead.

Groaning in frustration I wondered, why do I keep blushing fifty shades of red every time he so much as hints toward a complement at me?

Suddenly there came a strangled sound from the phone's speaker. Was he in pain? Constipated perhaps? I listened more closely and then realised, only to burn up fifty shades of crimson more, that he was groaning.

"This is pure torture, I'm telling you love. Pure torture,

"Especially since you're wearing blue and you know how much I adore this colour on you. With your black hair cascading down your shoulders and back in loose waves and your sparkling doe eyes, you look like an absolute angel in blue. My angel,"

He inhaled a deep breath and I exhaled a shaky one out.

"Now you're ordering your favourite meal: egg sandwich with a side of hot cocoa.

The Boy She Left Behind ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang