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I look at him. "Twenty questions?"

"What, never heard of it?"

"No, I have," I say. "I just didn't know they had that in England."

Harry throws back his head and laughs, causing me to laugh with him.

"I sincerely hope you're kidding," he says.

"Don't worry, I'm not that naïve."

He smiles, running his tongue along his lips. "All right then," he says. "I'll start."


"What's your favorite color?"

"Blue," I tell him.

"Good choice."

"Thanks." I pause, thinking of a question. "What's your pet peeve?"

"When people rush work."


"I don't know, it just annoys the shit out of me."

"I see."

"Why did you move to Portland?"

"I wanted to get out of New York."

"Fair enough." He smiles crookedly.

"Who's your favorite character from the Simpsons?"

"Bart. You?"


"Favorite band?"

"Don't have one."

Harry looks at me, astonished. "You don't have a favorite band?"

"I don't really have time for music," I say.

"That's a shitty excuse."

"Whatever," I say, waving him off. "Next question."

"It's your turn, genius."

"Oh." I smile. "What made you want to be an accountant?"

"I love math."

I wrinkle my nose. "Ugh. Why?"

He shrugs. "I guess because nothing ever changes," he says. "It's the same rules, all the time." He turns his head, looking straight. "I've never liked change."

"Oh." His tone has shifted to a more serious tone.

He quickly recovers and turns back to me. "Who was your first kiss?"

"Oh," I say again, flushing. "Um...skip."

"Come on, you can't skip!"

"Yes I can."

"No, you can't. Now answer the question."

"Fine." I sigh. "Aaron. It was Aaron." I glare at him. "Don't laugh."

Harry bites his lip. "You're lying," he says.

"No," I sigh.

"So you're saying me a girl like you went through all her years of schooling including college and never kissed anyone?"

"What do you mean, a girl like me?"

"Oh, come on. Look at you. You basically scream preppy popular girl that dates the star football player."

"I think you watch too many movies."

"It's hard for me to believe you didn't have your first kiss until you were twenty three."

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