sixty four

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My eyes flutter open to see white. I blink a couple times, then realize I'm facing the window, and it snowed overnight.

"Harry," I say, nudging him.

He groans.

"Harry," I say again.


"Look outside."

He sleepily sits up, turning his messy head of curls to look out the window. He sighs, flopping down again. "Fuck, it snowed again."

"We should go out in it."

"What are you, five?"

I roll my eyes at him, lying back down next to him. "Don't shit on the party," I mutter.

I see him fighting a smile, and smirk.

Events from the night before swim through my mind.

Harry loves me.

Harry loves me.

It still seems hard for me to believe, but I don't question it. I'm lucky, so lucky to possess his love.

His arms wrap around me, and I scoot back so I can admire the tattoos on it.

I trace over the star, and then the lock and the key farther down on his wrist.

A childish giggle escapes from him.

"That tickles," he says, eyes still closed but his mouth smiles.

I smile and scoot back to him, nestling my body into his chest. His other arm tightens around me, and he sighs sleepily.

"It's almost ten," I say.

"So?" His voice raspier from sleep.

"Don't we have things to do?"


I roll my eyes. "Are we just going to pretend that we didn't get that threatening text from Alec last night?"

"Don't shit on the party, Rosalie."

I sigh, fighting a smirk. He sees and laughs lightly.

"We'll figure it out," he says more seriously. "I'll call Zayn about it later."

I swallow and nod.

A moment later, Harry's phone buzzes from the nightstand.

"For the love of God," he groans, pulling away from me and reaching for the phone.

"What," he snaps into it, running a hand through his hair.

A frown forms on his face. "Yes, we both got the text...yes, she's, no one's tried to come here...alright, see you soon...bye."

He drops the phone onto the bed, rubbing his eyes in stress.

"Who was it?" I ask.

"Liam," he says. "They all got the text, but that doesn't make sense."

"How could Alec have known?" I ask.

"He couldn't have," Harry says, sitting up. "Unless..." He clenches his jaw.

"Unless what?"

"They've got an insider at Crystal."

I furrow my brow. "Who?"

"I don't know, but we need to be more careful."

I nod, chewing on my lip.

"Anyway, we have to be at Zayn's in an hour," Harry says, pulling himself out of bed.

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