Chapter One

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My eyes slowly force themselves open as the light shines through the window. I look over to see Skylar is still sound asleep with her hair crazy and her body curled up in a fetal position. I turned back over, grabbing my phone off the nightstand to find out that my mom was coming home tomorrow. I haven't seen my mom in a month since her suicide attempt. She's been living with Aunt Nicole, so she couldn't try to harm herself again. I let out a deep sigh as I laid back down. I'm excited about my mom coming home but at the same time I'm scared. I don't blame her for what she did, but I can't unsee her body in the condition I found it in. Just as I was about to work myself up thinking about my mom, I felt the bed moving. I look over at Skylar to see her yawning and stretching her arms out. She looks at me like I'm crazy to be up already until she looks over at her clock and realizes it's 11 o'clock.

"Shit I can't believe we slept in so late," she said grabbing her phone and beginning to read her texts she got while she was asleep.

"You always sleep in this late," I say with a smirk.

"Yeah, but we even went to bed early last night, which I normally don't do."

I double checked my phone just to make sure that I read my Aunt's text right, and that my mom would be coming home tomorrow. I read it three more times just to be sure, but I knew I read it right.


"What?" She looked over at me, "Are you okay?"

"To be completely honest...I don't know," I say as I hand her my phone so she could read the message too. Just like me it took her a while to register in her head what the text meant.

"So I guess that means you gotta pack tonight?" Skylar said giving a disappointed look.

"Yeah I guess so...not that I really want to."

"Hey have a positive attitude!" She said before her face lit up as she remembered something, "We should go to this college party tonight to boost your spirits before you have to go back home!"

I hesitated for a second, but finally shook my head yes because I need to get out of my comfort zone every once in awhile.

**Meanwhile Evan's P.O.V**

"Dude we cannot just sit here all day playing playstation," Eli groans slamming his back aganst the couch.

"Why not? I'm having a perfectly good time,"I say checking my phone. I got a text from my mom asking for me to stop by later this week so we can talk. I don't want to talk to her if she's just going to try to get me to give dad another chance. It's not going to happen. I love my mom but I can't let him come back into our life.

"Evan seriously, come with me to that party tonight. I'll invite Liam and we can all have a good time before school starts!"

I give Eli a look and then give a deep sigh, "Fine, I guess we can go."  

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