~Chapter Forty One~

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The company had left Erebor and were now, looking out from one of the towers. The sight before them was horrifying. The screams coming from the lake were so loud, even the dwarves could faintly hear them. Honoria heard them the worst since she had almost the perfect hearing of an average elf and covered her eyes and slumped back against the stone wall and slid to the ground. This was all their fault. They had angered the dragon and now he was unleashing his wrath on the innocent people of Lake-town. The half-breed couldn't even imagine what was going through all their minds. Running for their lives with no ways of escaping and being burnt alive.And not only had they unleashed that monster on the people of Lake-town, they had most likely killed their friends and the two youngest son's of Durin as well.

Most of the dwarves had turned away from the horrendous sight before them, out of guilt. Only a few managed to be brave enough to continue to watch and listen to the constant screams. Bilbo glanced at his little cousin. She was curled up in a corner; her arms wrapped around her, sitting beside Ori. "Poor souls." Balin muttered lowly knowing their was no hope for them, those people had no chance against the fire-drake.

The dwarves continued to remain silent, praying their friends didn't suffer a painful death. The hobbit was the only one to notice that one person failed to be among them on the platform. He took a few steps forward towards the stairs and sure enough he found the dwarf in question, standing on a lower platform starring off at the kingdom. Bilbo looked at the mountain and then back at the dwarf. Thorin starred at his home with such desire for what laid inside. It had been lost to his people for so long. He felt it was duty now to find the Arkenstone so he could unite all dwarves under one ruler.

Thorin continued to ignore the state of his kin and what was happening on the lake. As far as he was concern, the dragon was no longer his problem. It was Lake-town's now. His only problem now was finding the Arkenstone before somebody else does and take it from him. The dwarf didn't even seem to care that his nephews; his only heirs were trapped over there. Bilbo had only seen Thorin like this once, and that was when they were in the treasure room. He narrowed his eyes, something was wrong and the hobbit feared when they were down in that room it had done something to him and it was slowly working it's way into his mind.

Honoria finally got up from the ground and walked over to ledge, the lake was on fire. She felt a deep pit inside her and tears came down her face. No one deserves to suffer the fate as Lake-town did and suddenly they all heard aloud crashing sound. "W-what was that?" Ori voice broke. "What happened?"

"It fell. I saw it." Bilbo uttered. They all slowly walked over to the edge, curious to see if they could see the dragon themselves. Honoria could see a faint outline through the flames of a dragon laying dead and her eyes widen.

"He's right. It's dead..Smaug is dead." The elf muttered lowly. This new update had managed to reach Thorin's ears and his desire to re-enter the mountain only grew. Knowing they wouldn't have to deal with the dragon if it would have returned.

"By my beard, I think he's right!" Gloin exclaimed just as they all heard the sounds of cawing coming over them. "Look there! The ravens of Erebor are returning to the mountain." The dwarves couldn't help but cheer that their home was once again there's. That this dangerous journey wasn't for nothing and if their were indeed survivors; hopefully their kin among them, they would welcome them and give them a place to stay until they could rebuild Dale.

Honoria glanced around, amongst the bunched up dwarves to see Thorin not among them. She walked over to the stairs and saw him still standing on the platform. "Why aren't you up there with us?" Honor asked him, with concern. It took Thorin a couple of minutes before he could tear his gaze from the mountain to look at her. Normally if she said something he would look at her instantly but something else was clouding his mind of what he wanted more. He could still hear the others cheering in their victor.

"We have to go and find the Arkenstone, before they take it from us." Thorin muttered. She looked at him confused. Who was he expecting to come take the King's Jewel from him?

The elf cupped his face in her hands. He just starred into her eyes with a blank expression. "Thorin we have all the time in the world to find the Arkenstone. No one's going to take it from you. We should go find Fili, Kili, Bofur and Oin. At-least meet them halfway, don't you care if their alive?"

Thorin's mind was fuming. Part of him did care about the safety of his kin; why he wasn't agreeing to find them in the first place he couldn't seem to figure it out. He felt someone whispering in his mind that the Arkenstone was the only thing that mattered right now. The dwarf, slowly removed the elf's hands from him and moved away from the woman. Honoria felt quite hurt by this. Thorin was standing right at the stairs to go down when he heard Balin speaking and Honoria turned to listen.

"Aye, word will spread. Before long every souls in Middle-Earth will know the dragon is dead!" Balin proclaimed. Thorin left down the stairs with hast and determination. The elf turned around to see Thorin had left and was already down the stairs. Honoria starred at the dwarf a sicking thought entered her mind, Thorin was not himself and the pit down inside her only grew. She looked at the others, they hadn't seen their king had already left and without hesitation she made her way down the stairs. She wasn't about to leave Thorin alone with the treasure hoard.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now