~Chapter Fifty Nine~

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 In just seven months, Erebor was starting to feel like home again to the dwarves. Though they still had a lot of work a head of them that still needed to be done before his sister and his people made the journey to the Lonely Mountain. Thorin had been working extra hard to get the room ready for when their child arrived. Kili had been assisting; it was still very hard on him losing his brother the way he had. He kept remembering what his uncle told him; that his brother would always be with him. And with each passing day he seemed to be getting better. The king had offered for the elf: Tauriel to stay in the kingdom, since the elf king had banished her from Mirkwood and he had noticed Kili had taken a liking to her. Honoria had been forced to remain in bed, it was going to happen anytime now, the birth of their child. Lord Bard of Dale had been working on a plan of how to rebuild Dale with the settlement the Mountain King had given to them. He wanted his people to have a fresh start to rebuild their lives and to live in peace.

Thorin was down in the great hall with his cousin Dain, overseeing the progress of the gate being rebuilt. The king was explaining to the other dwarf his vision of how he wanted to restore Erebor. It wouldn't be much different from what it looked like in his younger years. The red headed stubborn dwarf was still trying to get used to the fact that his cousin had married an elf. For decades they shared the same hatred for elves. But every since Thorin had been brought back from the dead by the elf, he saw this as a second chance to live the rest of his life and he wanted to do it the right way. Lord Dain was about to protest when they heard Kili shouting down the hall; running towards them. "Uncle!" Kili shouted, gasping for air.

"What is it Kili?" Thorin asked.

" Uncle, it's Honor." Kili explained still catching his breath.

"Is she alright?" Thorin asked, with a slight concern not even thinking that it would happen today.

"Uncle it's time!" Kili declared, in a irritated way like he should have guessed it already. Thorin's eyes widen he had been waiting for this day for so long. Thorin looked at Dain, who let out a chuckle.

"Well, what are you waiting for laddie, get going. You don't wanna be late do yah?" Dain ordered, nudging his cousin to get walking and the king made hast down the hall to the elf's room. Kili stayed behind talking with Dain. Thorin rounded the last corner and opened the door. Oin was already in the room. Honoria was trying to keep her breathing at a steady pace but that prove to be harder than she imagined as a sharp cry escaped her lips. The elf's handmaiden's had tried to get the king to leave the room until after the birthing but Thorin protested that he wasn't going to leave Honor, until it was over and he pushed by them and was at her side instantly, sitting beside her on the bed, holding her. The woman startled him when she suddenly gripped his arm when another shot of pain went through her as she dug her nails into his skin.

Over the years Thorin had grown accustom to concealing any hint of pain he was in and the woman was starting to draw blood but the dwarf continued to keep himself composed whispering in her ear words of love. Oin appeared to be the only one to remain calm in this tense atmosphere. This was not the first birth the healer had been at. The elder dwarf continued to give the occasional encouragement as Honor's cry's of pain became even louder. Thorin glanced at Oin worriedly, wandering if there was anything he could do to lessen the pain she was in. " Oin, is there anything you can give her?"

"The bairn will come out when he's ready." Oin stated, clearly not worrying as he insisted she drink this remedy that he had made up. Thorin got one of the handmaidens to get him a damp cloth and he dabbed it at her forehead. Hours had went by. The elf was exhausted. Thorin could feel Honoria's grip lessen as she went into the final stages. " Alright lass, just a little more." Oin coaxed and with one last final moment of agonizing pain, her grip had tightened on Thorin's arm, digging her nails into his skin once again. Honor let out one last gasp and a moan of pain it was over. The elf slumped back against the dwarf, panting heavily. Thorin kissed the top her head when they heard the most beautiful sound. "Ah, a strong lad you two have." Oin informed as he wrapped the little one in a blanket and passed him into Honoria's arms.

The woman smiled down at him, tears of joy coming down her face as she glanced up at Thorin who was looking over her shoulder with such curiosity. Their son had his dark hair and as he opened his eyes, Thorin could see he had his mother's soft eyes. The odd gurgle escaping this tiny infant's mouth. " What should we call him?" Thorin finally asked as he looked over at Honoria. The elf looked down at their little miracle.

"I was thinking Sorren" She murmured, glancing back up at Thorin waiting to see if he would approve. The dwarf's lips curled into a smile as he looked at his wife.

"It's perfect." He whispered in agreement as he pressed his lips against the elf's. Their little one let out another gurgle, causing Honoria and Thorin to look at him as he starred up at them in wonder. Oin saw the young woman was slowly passing out from the exhaustion and he walked over to them.

"Well, I think it's time we let the young lass get some rest. She has a had a long day." Oin interrupted as he picked up the child and placed him in Thorin's arms. Honor starred up at her son until she finally closed her eyes. Thorin held his son as he wandered out of the room to show him to his nephew and the others.

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now