Maya's POV:
The constant sound of beeping irritating me. My eyebrows furrowed, my eyes remained screwed shut. Just as I was about to raise my arm to supposedly "turn off" that beeping sound, a sharp pain shot throughout my arm. "Ahhh.." I screamed, immediately dropping my arm. "Ma'am ma'am please remain still" I hear a awfully familiar gently voice attempting to soothe me. I force my eyes open and close it back again, the bright light making me see small little black dots. "There's a needle in your arm Ma'am please just...stay still" she comforts me, as she chokes on her words. Needle? Why did I have a needle in my arm? I finally manage to open my eyes and get used to the bright light. I see a nurse leaned over me with a sad smile on her face. She had pale flawless looking skin and bright blue eyes framed with long black eyelashes. She wore a light pink lip as he long hazel coloured hair had been pinned away from her face into a tight bun. I furrowed my eyebrows again, she looked awfully familiar. I sat up slowly, as the nurse ran to my side to help me up. The whole she was helping me, I remained eye contact with her.
She pulled away as she adjusted the needle on my forearm. "Where am I?" my voice hoarse, as I struggled to speak. It was almost as if I had just chugged a cup full of pins. The nurse ran to my aid, grabbing a cup of water and basically shoving it to my face. I don't decline her offer and take the water, I was dying of dehydration. "You don't remember?" she asks, worriedly. I shake my head, not trusting my voice at the moment. "Well..a young lady and man brought you here...without an explanation" she said, as she folded her hands into her lap. A lady and man? "In fact, there is someone here for you right now.." the nurse told me before flicking her gaze towards the door. I followed my gaze to where she had been looking at.
Stood before me was a man, around his thirties, he wore a flashy grin comforting in a sense. His eyes were bright, mine. I couldn't believe my eyes. "D-Dad?" I whispered, my mouth hung open. The man didn't reply, he just stood at the doorway, smiling at me like he would do whenever he would teach me one of his new magic tricks. I suddenly stood up, reaching out to my arms to rip out the needles and run to him. "No Maya.." his voice suddenly spoke. I hadn't heard his voice in years...I've missed him so much. "My sweet Maya..." his voice sounding like a dream; his appearance vivid. "You've grown up to be a beautiful girl.." he spoke, shedding a small tear. "Why did you leave Dad?" I whisper, trying to reach out to him. He stood, staring at me with a sad smile. "Why did you leave me without a father for most of my life?" I whimpered, tears beginning to form in my eyes. "I didn't do it to hurt you Maya...." his worried voice spoke. "I-I miss you Dad.." I whisper, breaking into a sob as I hid my face in my hands. "I don't want this dream to end..I want you to stay here with me forever" I sob harder into my hands. My body shook furiously as I sobbed harder and harder into my hands until I felt a blanket of warmth. I look up to see the man who is my father, embracing me, before my very own eyes. I un tuck my hands from my lap and reach around to hug him back, hugging as tight as possible, not wanting to let go. After a few seconds, I feel his hug loosen and I immediately panic. I hold him tighter to me as he tries to gently pry me off. "No Dad..NO!" I yell the last part. I don't want him to leave...ever. "I'm sorry Maya.." he whispers, his voice slowly fading away into thin air, along with himself. "Dad I love you so much" I sob, as I feel his body slowly fade away in my arms. I no longer feel him, but I remain in the same position; on my hospital bed, my knees to my chest, hugging the air as tears streamed down my face. "I-I love you Dad" I whisper, knowing that he can hear me.
I gasp loudly, as I get up from my bed, furiously sweating. "Maya!" I heard my mum looking somewhat relieved and scared. I look at her with wide eyes as I embrace her tightly. She hugs me back just as tight. It's back. I feel the blanket of warmth over my body, it's Dad. I knew he wouldn't leave me. "I miss Dad.." I whisper to Mum. I feel her shoulders relax as she gives me a tight little squeeze, "I do too dear but...he is always watching us" she sighs, stroking my hair.
AND WE ARE DONE~ Thank you guys so much for reading Bad Boy Sugg as it HAS come to a complete end! Will I make a sequel? I don't really know yet but maybe. I will definitely be making other fanfics though possibly (Dan Howell or Joe Sugg) so stay tuned. How did you feel about this chapter? Comment and Vote <3
Thank you for joining this journey with me on this published book! I love you all <3

BBS j.s [completed]
Fanfictionmaya scarborough, "that new girl" has just been admitted into her new school, westfield high. she was having one hell of a day with people giving her icy glares as she walked down the hallway. but there's this one boy who is an extremely hot jackass...