Middle of Summer

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Rosie's POV

*Monday July 11th*

Some days I love it here and other days I just want to go home. People are nice for the most part but I just miss being home. I have talked to my parents some but not a lot. My mom is to busy being a lawyer and my dad is just trying to let me be a teenager. Funny thing is I think I have talked to Bella's parents more then my own.

"Are you counting down something on your calendar?" Bella asked

"How many days until we get to go home." I said

"I thought you would be counting how many days until the end of summer showcase." Bella said

"No, I can't even think about right now. everyone in the showcase is far more advanced then I am so I will never win." I said

"Rosie, you are better then me so at least you will not come in last place." Bella said

"What if my mom expects me to win?" I asked

"Your mom used to ride so I'm sure she knows you can't win every competition." Bella said

"Did I ever tell you why my mom stopped with the horse competitions?" I asked

"No but I really want to know so please tell me." Bella said

"It was because our grandparents wanted mom to become a lawyer like them." I said

"So your mom just followed in their footsteps instead of continuing to do what she loves?" Bella asked

"Yes and now I'm scared that the same thing is going to happen to me." I said

"Rosie, you can be whoever you want to be. It's not about what your parents are doing it's about you." Bella said

"Did your parents tell you that? I asked

"No, It's what Liam likes to tell me all the time." Bella said

"Wow, I always wondered what it would be like to have an older brother." I said

"You can borrow Liam if you want but I have to warn you he isn't always nice." Bella said

"In what ways is he not nice?" I asked

"Liam's friends are always loud and they make a mess. I'm the one that has to clean up all the trash and vacuum so mom and dad don't find out." Bella said 

"By the time we get back to Rosewood it will almost be time for Liam to leave for University." I said

"Yes, I'm actually kind of looking forward to Liam leaving the house for University." Bella said

"Won't you miss him? Liam is your brother after all." I asked

"Yes, I will miss him but I want a chance at being an only child for once. It's only fair because Liam got to be the only child for 4 years and now it's my turn." Bella said

(Going back to Rosewood, PA for some Spoby)

*Friday July 8th*

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