End of Summer competition

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Rosie's POV

The end of summer was here and I was very excited to see my parents. Bella was excited to she her parents and her brother. Summer had been fun but it was over really fast. Once I go start high school I won't be able to ride horses as much so I'm glad I had this summer to be around horses every single day.

"I'm so happy to see you." I said to my mom and dad.

My mom looked at the girl standing next to me as if she knew her.

"This is my new best friend Georgie. Bella is best friends with her as well." I said

"I'm really glad you made a new friend this summer." My dad said

"I'm happy to but she lives here and we live in Rosewood." I said

"Saying goodbye to your new friend is going to be hard." My mom said

"True but Rosie and her can still email, call, text, and write letters to each other." My dad said

"No one writes letters anymore." I said

"Yes they do and a handwritten letter is more personal then a text." My dad said

"Maybe but texting is so much faster." I said

"Your mom and I text each other but we still like to write each other notes." My dad said

"Love notes, ew." I said

"In a few years Rosie or maybe in a matter of months you won't be saying ew to love anymore." My mom said

"Rosie may be starting high school but that doesn't mean I want her around teenage boys." My dad said

"What so are we just supposed to send Rosie to an all girls private school?" My mom asked

"No, please don't do that." I said

"Don't worry Rosie. I was only kidding." My mom said

Bella, her parents, and Liam joined us for dinner.

"Are you excited for Rosewood High?" My mom asked

"Not really but it's not like I have a choice and the school is better then an all girls private school that you threatened to  send me to." I said

"I told you I was only joking about that Rosie." My mom said

"Well it's not funny." I said

"I thought it was funny and I think you dad did to." My mom said

"Private school isn't always a bad thing. I went to one. Yes the rules and Grade Point Requirements are a lot stricter but in the end it was worth it." Wren said

"Maybe for you dad but not for Rosie or I." Bella said

"Your mom and I were looking at private schools for you over the summer." Wren said

"Dad, that's not fair." Bella said

"Your dad and I talked and agreed that if you keep your grades up then you can stay at Rosewood high." Melissa said

"You mean like all A's or can I get some B's and still stay at Rosewood high?" Bella asked

"Bella, As long as you keep your GPA above Liam's then we would let you stay at Rosewood high." Melissa said

"The only reason mom and dad didn't make me go to private school Bella is because I didn't get in. So you can thank my not so good grades or we would most likely still be living in the UK right now." Liam said

"Maybe if you didn't have so many parties when mom and dad weren't home your grades would have been better." Bella said

"Liam, is this true?" My mom said

"No, I had like 3 friends over but that was it." Liam said

"He had way more then 3 friends over." Bella said

"Bella doesn't know what she is talking about." Liam said

"I do know what I'm talking about. They didn't just drink pop and eat pizza. There was actually drinking of alcoholic beverages." Bella said

"Bella is lying." Liam said

"No I'm not lying. Liam and his friends never cleaned up either. I was always the one to vacuum and throw out all the garbage before mom and dad got home." Bella said

"Liam, what do you have to say now because I think it's clear who is being honest here." Wren said

"What Bella didn't say is that she was also drinking at these parties." Liam said

"Bella, I'm very dissapointed in you right now and so is your mom." Wren said

"That's not how it happened dad. Liam's friends dared me to drink the alcoholic beverages." Bella said

"We believe you Bella but please don't ever drink again until you are over 21 or at least 18 if we tell you it's ok first." Melissa said

"So your just going to take her side." Liam said

"Yes, we are taking your sisters side Liam." Wren said

"Bella isn't always the best behaving kid. Before she left for the summer Bella stole my credit card and charged it up to the max from amazon purchases." Liam said

"Bella, is this true?" Wren asked

"Yes, I will admit I did use my brothers credit card without asking him first." Bella said

"Your mom and I are going to have a long talk with both you and your brother once we are back in Rosewood." Wren said

I finished the summer competition showcase. I didn't place in the top few but I did place high on the list. Bella was in the middle. Our new best friend Georgie won the competition. 

A week later Bella, Liam, their parents, My parents, and my self all went back to Rosewood. Bella and I did some back to school shopping together because school was starting the day after labor day.

Important A/N: Create a character for this story. Yes I know, I can create them myself but that would take more time meaning it will be longer in between each chapter. I am looking for some characters that are going to Rosewood high with Rosie and Bella. I want at least 2 to be boys so they can be love interests for Rosie and Bella. Haleb and Ezria have kids but they are unnamed at this time so if you want to make high school age kids for them go right ahead. Submit your character in the comments or in an inbox message to me. 

What did you think about this chapter?

What do you want to see happen next?

Since I am currently also writing "PLL Next Generation - From the Beginning" and "University Life - School, Friends, Relationships" I am not sure how often this story will be updated.

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