"Does anyone have a coin?" Cora asks.

"Here." I hand her a coin from my bag and put my earbuds back in, and turn the music up a little louder. That still format drown out Cora attempting to teach Isla how to play Pokemon.

"Ugh! I need someone who actually knows how to play," Cora groans and I hear her flop back onto her seat.

"I do," Henry offers from the front of the plane.

"I'm fine, thanks," she retorts. I take out my earbuds and turn to the seat behind me, Which is Cora's.

"We have to get along with them. And, you did ask," I remind her. I couldn't take another hour of bickering. Only one hour left, luckily. Two hours, I have sat through argument through argument between everyone- that included me.

"Fine. Isla, switch seats with Sass Queen over there," Cora says and begins setting up her Pokemon again. Isla reluctantly gets up and moves to where Henry was sitting next to Finn.

I slide my earbuds back into my ears and turn the music up just a little bit louder.


"We have reached our first destination!" Pete yells.
I groggily sit up from my nap and begin packing up my stuff. I grab my overhead bag and take a look on how Cora was holding up. She fell asleep, which was expected of her, but she had her feet on top of Henry's head- who was also sleeping. That didn't look like it would be comfortable. I open the overhead compartment and pull out Cora's drumsticks and throw one, hitting her head. She slowly wakes up, pushes Henry out onto the isle, and grabs her overhead bags and drumsticks without a word.

We walk out of the terminal, and no one recognizes us to begin with, but sooner or later, two teenage girls- maybe fifteen or sixteen- come over to us.

"Are you guys The Habits?" She asks Finn.

"Yeah. Want a picture?" Finn offers. The girls nod eagerly, completely ignoring us, which was normal. I mean, I would've been that way, too if they were famous.

The band drops their stuff and walks over to the two girls, all fitting into the one-frame shot of the blonde girl's iPhone. The brunette one takes a photo of them the same way and they're off. They don't say anything else after that, just walk back to their family.

"At least they didn't cry," Ryder says after they're out of range to hear us. "We get criers all the time."

"We don't usually get that many, but we do have a few at every concert Meet-and-greet," I say and we all walk over to baggage claim.


We quickly ended up dropping our stuff at the hotel we are staying at, but then we went over to the outdoor concert stadium. We walked around to the back, and into our dressing rooms. We had been practicing a lot at the studio with them, and knew our schedule pretty well. Our instruments were ready to be rolled out behind the stage, and the two that would be opening us were getting ready.

  I heard that they were almost like a singing and dancing combo. It was weird to have someone like that open for us, just because I've never seen anyone open with that. But, that would just make our show ten times better.

"Good luck tonight," I told the dancer as she rushed past me. She seemed around our age- 18, 19- but her Strawberry blonde hair made it hard to tell for some reason. It made her look younger almost.

"Thanks, but I don't really need luck," she says and runs on pats me again. I think I could have sworn that she rolled her eyes at me.
I'm not really liking this girl so far, and the tour has barely begun. But at least I won't have to ride in and with her everywhere since they use a bus... I hope.


HEY GUYS!!!! Sorry that this was up today and not yesterday, but I had so much going on so I forgot to publish it. This chapter is really short, but hopefully I'll have more time to update it and make the chapters have a little bit more meaning than the past two that I've put up.

Anyways, I hope you guys have an awesome day!!! And even though you guys don't really know much about the character yet, who's your favorite so far? Comment!!

Xoxo- Emalee ✨

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