call #22 cont.

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"um, hi. i'm evan," he says sheepishly.

"i'm chris, teagan's brother."


her brother laughs. "you sound shocked. did she not tell you who i was before she handed me the phone?"

"no. she definitely did not."

"well, good. i guess this whole intimidation thing will work in my favor. my sister spends all her time on her phone every night. she says she's talking to you, her internet friend. being the good older brother that i am, i thought i should make sure you're not some creep."

"don't worry, i'm not a predator," he jokes, a small laugh following his words.

her brother stays silent before mumbling, "that's not funny."

evan's laughter stops immediately. "sorry."

"you're not taking advantage of her are you?" he asks. tee's protests can be heard in the background and evan's lips twitch up slightly at the reminder that she's still there. a sudden sense of calmness falls over him.

"i would never," he says, blocking out the time he used the phone line for its intended purpose.

"good. she's too good for some guy on the internet to be using her."

"i fully agree."

"mm," he says, "you seem all right, evan."

"thank you," he says, unsure how to respond to the compliment.

"but if you hurt my sister i will find you and kick your ass. i don't care if i'm in a wheelchair. i'll roll your foot over and hit you while you're down."

"duly noted." he gulps.

"good. nice chat."

before evan has a chance to respond, the call ends.

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