call #24

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"my favorite sexy voice!" he shouts into the phone. "how's it going?"

"my voice is sexy, huh?"

"of course it is. that must've been a requirement during the interview process, right?"

she laughs. "i'm doing pretty well. how are you?"

"can't complain." he pauses. "actually, i can complain."

"what's wrong?"

"eh, i think i'm going to have to stop calling so often." he laughs nervously.

"what? why?" she says, a frown taking over her lips.

"i just saw how much money i spent on calls this last month."

she pauses before letting out a sigh. "oh, i see. i understand."

"don't get all sad on me. i'm not stopping altogether. i just have to cut back a little bit. that or stop showering."

she laughs but quickly comes to a halt when an idea pops into her mind. "what if i give you my cell phone number?"


"if i give you my personal number then you can start calling me there. you don't have to keep spending money on these calls."

"what about your privacy?"

"i think we're past that." she laughs. "i trust you, remember? what's the harm in giving you my actual phone number?"

"um, are you sure?" he asks hesitantly.

"i don't want to stop talking to you," she says quietly. "i don't even want to cut back on our talks."

"me neither."

"then take my phone number," she pushes.

he pauses for a while before nodding his head, even though she can't see him. "okay. let me just get a pen and paper."

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