Shine And Glow

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 Nothing you say has any affect on me ,

My eyes are closed , my ears don't hear .

There is a point after which you no longer fear ,

The abuse and insults you throw on me ,

No longer makes my eyes teary .

You can be as mean as you want ,

But I have better things to do in mind .

I have gone away , leaving you behind .

You are wasting your own time with each taunt ,

All the sobs and tears have been spent .

You are just a person from my past ,

From whom I learned life's rough lesson .

All tears have dried , and pains lessened ,

Time heals those wounds as life moves forward fast . 

I have future , I do not have more time to waste .

I have my own dreams to follow ,

You have made me strong for the tough times .

Made me wiser , I no longer whine .

I have been through very low ,

Now it my time to shine and glow .

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