The red birdie

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The red birdie has sung the saddest song

Which took me back in time ,

The one , which passed back long .

The song touched those part of my heart 

Which still yearns , which still hopes ,

Part which still has not be crushed as dirt . 

The silent tears accompany me during this flashbacks , 

The smile , the laugh and all cherished moments ,

All the things reappear , now which my life lacks . 

But the bad memories with them have turned all those bitter,

Made me learn the lesson I never wanted to learn.

I never could have imagined him as a cheater  .

I saw all my dreams of us , breaking .

Slowly in front of my eyes , helpless .

The distance between us , step by step increasing .

The scars of your love changed me ,

Trust does not come to me now that easy,

Cannot see others happy now, without envy .

I still can not get over it , even though it passed long before ,

Still feel as if it happened just yesterday ,

Even today , it makes me feel so very insecure .

I hope the red birdie sings next something cheerful ,

To lift up my moods , and stop my eye's waterworks

At least then I might get few moments of today, to stay blissful .

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