Chapter 8

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Grace 🌸

I received a text from Nathan one late Saturday afternoon.

N: You awake?
G: Yeah
N: Wanna go out for an early dinner?

I stared at the words on my mobile screen. Was he really asking me on a date? I'm not the kind of girl who goes on dates. I've never really been interested in dating boys. Sure I've had many crushes, but I've never had a boyfriend before. Boys are a waste of time. And with my disorder it's not like I have all the time in the world.

My phone beeped. Another text from Nathan.

N: Grace?

He could see that I had read the message and he was probably wondering why I hadn't replied. "Sure" I texted back, my fingers hesitating over the "send" button.

Oh come on Grace. He doesn't even like you, it's not like he's actually asking you on date. He probably just wants to go out as friends, my rational voice said in my head. I pressed "send" and waited for his response.

N: Great! Meet me at Joe's Pizzeria in half an hour.


It took me 45 minutes to choose something to wear, have a quick shower, take my medication and rush over to Joe's Pizzeria. Nathan was already there sitting in a booth and sipping a glass of bubbly Appletiser.

"Hey," he said smiling his dazzling straight-teeth smile.

"Hi. Sorry I'm late," I said as I slipped into the booth out of of breath.

"No worries. I ordered already if you don't mind."

Just then a pretty waitress came over carrying 3 large pizzas. The delicious aroma wafted through my nose, making my mouth water.

"Thank you," Nathan said smiling at the waitress.

"My pleasure. Would you like something to drink?"

I realised that the waitress was talking to me.

"A glass of water will be fine," I replied.

"Ice and lemon?"

"Yes please."

After the waitress left to get my water I turned to Nathan and the 3 piping hot pizzas on the table in front of me. "I didn't know what you liked so I ordered my favourites - Hawaiian chicken and pineapple, meaty steak and a tradional margherita with feta and avo," he said pointing out each pizza. I smiled appreciatively. The pizzas all sounded delicious and I couldn't wait to dig in. My stomach growled and I giggled nervously.

Before Nathan could say anything about my grumbling stomach, the waitress came with my water. I thanked her and as she left we began to eat. I took a large slice of chicken and pineapple and bit into it. My eyes closed as I savoured the delicious taste. It was the perfect combination of juicy, tender chicken and sweet pineapple. It was truly an amazing pizza.

"This is so good," I said through a mouthful of pizza.

"Told you it's the best," Nathan said as he took a huge bite out of his meaty steak pizza.


An hour later and we were stuffed with as many slices of pizza as we could get into our stomachs. "My tummy hurts," I moaned, "I have never eaten so much pizza before!" Nathan laughed.

"It's a good kind of pain," he said, "Joe's Pizzeria is kinda addictive. Once you start eating you don't want to stop! It's like my own kind of drug."

"Great, now I have an unhealthy addiction to a slice of fast food," I groaned sarcastically. Nathan grinned. It was nice to spend the evening with him. We bonded over pizza, shared lots of jokes and generally had a good time. I felt fizzy like a can of Appletiser. I noticed that Nathan had that kind of effect on me. How is it that a strange, tired boy from the sandwich shop can make me feel so... happy? For the first time in a long time I actually felt truly, truly happy.

Nathan insisted on paying for everything. We divided the leftover pizza between us. "Tomorrow morning's breakfast," Nathan said holding up his box of leftover pizza.

"Pizza for breakfast?" I asked.

"Definitely! Leftover pizza is the BEST breakfast. You should try it."

"I think I will. Although I prefer cereal or flapjacks for breakfast."

"Hmm I love flapjacks. With Nutella and cream! It's probably the only thing I can make. Maybe I'll make you sometime."

I smiled. Damn he's so adorable. "That would be great." I glanced at my wristwatch. "I should get going," I said. I didn't want my meds to work off and then randomly collapse sleeping on my way home. There was still a while before my medication worked off but you know, better safe than sorry. It would be really embarrassing to start drifting off to sleep infront of Nathan. He would think I'm a weirdo! Not that I care what he thinks...

Nathan walked me home. We said goodbye on the steps of the front door with it's peeling red paint and brass door handle. The sky was clear and many constellations of bright stars twinkled above us. We looked up to admire the blinkering lights.

"Bye Grace," Nathan said in a deep and husky voice. Damn it was so attractive. For a moment I actually though he was going to kiss me. But he didn't. Obviously. He just turned and walked off into the darkness, turning around once to wave goodbye.

I opened the front door using my own key and went inside. After greeting parents I went up to my room and flopped down onto my bed. I couldn't wipe the big smile off my face.

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