Extra Scene - Ahmad/Yusrah Fluff

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Ahmad 🐾

Summer is my favourite season of the year. Everything is so hot - hot weather, hot tunes, hot babes and my hot abs that I spent the entire year preparing. The best part about Summer is going to the beach with my girlfriend. I mean damn have you seen her in a bathing suit?! I hope not, because nobody else should be looking at her besides me.

It was a lovely Summer's day and I was at chilling at home. Yusrah was here too because her house "is boring as hell" - her words not mine. My dad was at work and my mom had taken my little sisters to the park. Yusrah was sitting on a chair in the kitchen and arranging the colourful, magnetic letters on our fridge.

"Ugh your house is just as boring as mine," Yusrah moaned.

"Okay then let's go to the beach," I suggested.

"We spend almost the entire Summer at the beach!" Yusrah complained.

"Okay then let's go get something to eat."

"I'm not hungry. We just finished a whole tub of ice cream you idiot!"

"Uhm okay then let's go to the movies."

"There's nothing nice playing, I checked" Yusrah moaned and sighed dramatically.

Why do girls always have to be so melodramatic? I was just trying to be a good boyfriend by suggesting things we could do, but obviously Yusrah had to find a problem with each of my suggestions.

Yusrah smirked and I checked what she had done. "AHMAD IS A JERK" the letters on the fridge said. There wasn't enough A's so she had turned a V upside down to replace the missing A. Clearly this chick was bored.

"Okay we're going out right now." I announced as I walked towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" Yusrah asked in a bored tone as I locked the front door.

To be honest I had no idea. But I wasn't going to tell her that.

"It's a surprise," I said, "I promise that I will make this the best day of your life."

Yusrah scoffed. "I doubt it. The day's almost over anyway."

"Okay then this will be the best night of your life!"

Yusrah raised her eyebrow disbelievingly, "Okay."

What did I just get myself into?! I just promised her the best night of her life and I had no idea how to make that possible! Sometimes I speak before I think.

Yusrah was looking at me with an amused expression. She probably knew I had no idea how to pull this promise off.

"Let's make a bet. If I give you the best night of your life, I get to kiss you. If I don't give you the best night of your life, then you get to kiss me."

"That is the stupidest bet I have ever heard, because whether you win or loose you still get what you want," She said, but she was laughing.

After much contemplation I decided where to take her.

"Come on," I said taking her hand in mine and gently pulling her with me.

We arrived at the beach. Despite the fact that the day was almost over the beach was still packed. It was the Summer destination for everyone in our town.

"I thought I told you I don't want to go to the beach," Yusrah said as she rolled her eyes.

I didn't answer her. I just pulled her past the kids building sandcastles and the parents sunbathing until we got to the docks.

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