Author's Note

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Final author’s note:

And so it’s really the end. Some of you may not like the ending, but I actually love it (although I’m very pleased by how many people seemed to agree with me after the last chapter; and hopefully the epilogue rounded things off). It’s sort of… tragically happy. Everyone is ultimately content, even if it didn’t work out quite the way you thought it would – it’s realistic. People get hurt in life and love and they’ll survive. Ally rightfully ascends the throne and even finds her true mate in Tim. Christian may not have his true mate, but he’s grown up, and that’s important too.

I was always annoyed by some things in most werewolf stories, the mate thing in particular. It’s like the idea of soul mates. What are the odds of actually finding your so-called soul mate in a world with over 7 billion people in it? Slim to none, I’d say. A werewolf finding their mate is much the same thing, and so while I accepted the general premise for the wolf-part of a werewolf’s nature, I said early on that it’s highly unlikely that you’d ever really come across your true mate, and most werewolves never do. So don’t feel too bad for Christian, he’s in much the same boat as everyone else. Ally and Tim were just incredibly lucky. Really, Ally and Christian weren’t well suited to one another, and Christian especially needed to go through the trial of loving and losing Ally. I’d like to think that Ally and Tim will grow to love one another in time – after all, they did always get along really well and Tim always picked up on things about her that no one else did (see my plan?). He’s much better suited to Ally than Christian ever was, even though I always liked Christian, in spite of his faults. Or maybe even because of them… Another thing about the human vs. wolf nature of a werewolf that always galled me is the incredibly sexist way that guys are portrayed. So I hope you enjoyed Christian as the complete opposite of your average male werewolf character like I did, because writing scenes with Christian had a calming effect on my ruffled feminist feathers :P

There will be no sequel, as I feel like this is an appropriate end to the story. Or at least, there won’t be a sequel in the foreseeable future, as the story is neatly tied up in my mind. If those ties start to unravel and form new ideas, I’ll let you know. (There is a chance to have your craving for a certain scene satisfied, read below). I do, however, have an idea for another werewolf story. First-person POV, human girl, werewolf guy, but I’m trying to weave in the original werewolf idea – full moon transformations, more monster-like wolves, and all that. I’m really excited about the ideas I’ve had so far. The first chapter was just posted, so please give it a chance!

Here’s the teaser/summary for Waxing Love:

Aggie just broke up with her cheating boyfriend and finds herself without a job or an apartment. It seems like the perfect opportunity to visit her family’s old ancestral estate for the first time and see her favorite uncle. But there’s a reason she was always kept away from the house, and Aggie is about to find out why…

Small competition at the end: This is just shy of 50,000 words altogether, which is at the lower end of the YA book word count spectrum. Additionally, some people thought that the ending was a bit sudden. What scenes would you have liked to read that weren’t in the story? Give me your suggestions in a comment below and I’ll write out the ones I think work, add them to the story and dedicate the relevant chapter to you!

Lastly, thank you for reading and supporting me! I know it’s not publishable material, and the writing could be much better, but this is just a first draft, seeing as I usually uploaded as soon as I had finished a chapter. In any case, I hope you enjoyed reading!

A Fate Foretold (formerly: A World Gone Mad)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin