It's Gravity That's Getting Us Down - (Nov 27, Wednesday)

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The Man from Skygate

The Men from Skygate

The Scions of Gravity

The Grave

"We are warrior monks, Architect. We are far removed from the mad monkeys that you call Sky Pirates. They seek only to sow chaos, hoping that in the end there will be some favourable outcome of it. We are measured, planned, precise. You didn't know of us before now because we chose to not be known. We are the calculating predator in the darkness that waits for its perfect opportunity to strike. We see that opportunity breaking on the horrizon. The time when our purpose will be realized is nearly at hand, and when it is, you should be far from this place."

"And what of your disciples," Benedict asked, "when this time comes, where will they be."

"They will be safe. They will be watching. They will be ready to take on the responsibility of being stewards of the Wild and the Ruin that will live on from what was once Skyward."

"How does one steward a grave?"

"Not a grave, Architect. A Monument. A memorial to the sacrifice of the ones from above who fell back to earth. Though we call them heathens, though we willfully chose to take their lives: to deliver them back unto Gravity in this violent end, we with this violent end, do not think that we would disrespect their memory. Do not believe for an instant that we will not honour their immortal souls."

"Once we have concecrated this place, we will care for it as a temple. In stewardship, we will assure that no other ever repeats the folly of Skyward in this place, but we will also educate those pilgrims who come to it seeking wisdom; seeking to learn from the missteps of their forefathers."

Benedict laughed bitterly. "You will be stewards of an irradiated scrap pile."

"Initially, maybe, but we have planned for that as well. We have radsuits. We have radiation meds. We have safehouses set up outside the expected affected radius. We are in this for the long haul."

"Besides, as I told you, the Arc Installation should contain much of the radioactive material. The colapse of the Core will bury the rest. It will be a self-sealing tomb, and the lingering radiation above ground should only last for a decade at most, less if the rains are kind to us. The Wild will prosper faster than humans. Irradiation was common on the MacroFarms to innoculate produce and livestock against disease, so resistance was bred into the strains so that they would suffer less negative effects.

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Sorry. Writing has been weird of late, and I've been completely off my steady writing/posting rythm.

The last few days of NaNo should get interesting :P

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