Chapter 5: Texting and Nicknames

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Chapter 5

Texting and Nicknames

I sit in my room still thinking about the kiss. I felt something that I had never felt before. It was amazing. Nothing like I felt with with Brandon. It was something special. Incredible even.

I should be asleep right now. It's almost 1:00 and I have school tomorrow, well today. But it's just that kiss. I can't get it out of my mind.

I slowly get tired. I lay down and I am about to go to sleep when my phone beeps. I pick up my phone and I see its a text. And its from Cameron!

I put his name under his number so it wouldn't show up as Unknown.

Cameron: hey :)

Bree: hey whats up

Cameron: nothing. shouldn't you be asleep

Bree: I was about to go to sleep until you texted me. and what about you shouldn't you be asleep too

Cameron: yeah but you kept me up

What does that mean? Is he thinking about the kiss too. I have to know!

Bree: how is that?

Here it is. This is the part where he tells me that he liked the kiss too.

Cameron: well you did text me back

Man! I thought he was going to tell me he likes me. Well we did just met like 3 days ago.....

Bree: it would be rude not to wouldn't it

Cameron: I guess yeah. so after school tomorrow, well today, you're coming over right?

What is he talking about? The play practice or studying? So Im just going to go with studying so I don't seem desperate to kiss him again.

Bree: to study? yeah

Cameron: yeah.... and the play again

Yes he did mean the play. So maybe, possibly he liked the kiss as much as I did.

Bree: yeah sure. see you in a couple of hours

Cameron: see ya later Anna Banana :)

He gave me a nickname. He called me that because I love Anna's name. I really want to switch names. Is that a good or bad thing? Why does this boy make me feel this way? Why are boys so difficult to understand? So many different questions and not enough answers.

It's now 2:00 a.m. We'd been texting for an hour just about. So I lay down and go sleep.


This chapter was awful! I must have been drunk off of gummy bears while writing this. You'll get the joke if you keep reading

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