Chapter 12: Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!

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Chapter 12

I sit in my room for hours, thinking about how he hurt me. I know that I shouldn't be this sad, but for some reason it stabbed me right in my heart. I just feel like he should have told me before he kissed me. I didn't think that he was that type of guy.

I read one of my books, but all it talks about is love. Most of my books are about romance, so I can't read them. I try listening to music, but it still doesn't work. I feel like nothing can help me right now.

My mom isn't getting home until 11:00 p.m. and it's only 12:00. School doesn't get out until around 3:00 so I can't call my friends. This is going to be the longest three hours ever.

It is Thursday so I still have to go to school tomorrow and face Cameron since he is in all of my classes. To add on top of that he still tutors me, so I can't avoid him.

I spend the rest of the three hours watching Titanic while eating ice-cream. I spend most of the movie saying things like, 'You jerk!' or 'Don't trust him Rose!'.

When the movie ends it is just about three. I call Anna asking her to come over. When she gets here she sees my face and gasps.

"What happen?" she asks as I let her in the house. We get to my room she asks again. Then that is when I lose it. I start shaking then start crying. She hugs me.

"What's wrong Bree?" she asks while patting my back.

"He..." I say in between crying.

"Ok. Calm down and then tell me." she says

I calm down then wipe my face with the back of my hand. I take some deep breaths then I finally start to talk.

I tell her all about today. Him acting awkward this morning. The almost kiss. Ditching school. Laser Tag. His mom coming home. Sleeping in his bed, but not what he said. Us making out then his girlfriend calling. Me running here.

She takes it all in and doesn't stop me to ask questions. When I am done though that is another situation.

"That jerk! We took him in a took care of him! You know what? I'm going over there and personally take care of him." she says as she gets up and walks to the door.

"And what are you going to do?" I ask curiously.

"A sandwich." she says still walking.

"What kind of sandwich?"

"A knuckle sandwich." she says while walking out the front door. She doesn't get far though because she trips over someone sitting on the ground.

"Cameron!" Anna yells at him. "You are so in for it!" she says raising her fist. Just because she didn't look strong doesn't mean her punches don't hurt.

"Anna. Just calm down." I say to her slowly.

"No he deserves it!" she says, fist midair.

"Just, no. I can deal with this." I say to her while glaring at Cameron.

"Sure but if you need to jump him-" I cut her off.

"I am not jumping him." I say considering it. No I can't do that.

"Fine." she huffs while walking back inside. She glares at him again before going back inside.

I look at Cameron and glare again. He looks hurt but I bet it's fake. I look him in the eyes. He really does look hurt but it's an act. I know it is.

"Look, Bree, listen to me." he says standing up.

"No, you listen to me. I don't know what you are playing at, but I don't want to be in it. You were just playing with me. I'm out." I say to him.

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