(22) The Start of Classes

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~Ara's P.O.V~

After the little encounter with my stupid ex-twin and backstabing ex-boyfriend, we went straight to the office. We waited there for 30 minutes waiting for the secretary to call us. It was 8:45. We have been here for about an hour and a half. Classes were starting at 9. Exactly 15 minutes until classes start. I was on my phone trying to text Klaus about how bored I am when the secretary called us up.

"Here are your schedules. Please make your teachers sign this slip and return it after school. Your locker number and code is on the bottom of your schedules. Have fun," she said smiling at us. 

I looked at my schedule.

9:00 - 9:30 History Room: 5A, First Floor, Mr. Keaton

9:30 - 10:00 Biology Room: 8B, Second Floor, Mrs. Hansen

10:00 - 10:45 Physical Education Room: The Gym, First Building, Coach Mathewson

10:45 - 11:00 Lunch

11:00 - 12:00 Free Period

 12:00 - 12:45 Advanced Science Room: 3C, First Floor, Mrs. Alloying

12:45 - 1:00 Advanced Math Room: 16A, Third Floor, Mr. Jovian

1:00 - 1:30 Advanced Language Arts Room: 15B, Third Floor, Mrs. Celeste

1:30 - 1:50 World Language Room: 9A, Second Floor, Mrs.Valeria

1:50 - 2:45 Arts/Drama Room: Theater, First Floor, Mrs and Mr. Dixon

2:45 - 3:00 Music Room: The Basement, Ground Floor, Mrs. Ticonderoga

3:00 Dismissal

"Any of you have History first?" I ask my friends as we walked out of the office door.

"I do," Rebekah, Kol and Stefan said. They smirked as if they knew what each other was thinking. They were going to be the top people in History, in fact they are History. 

We said our goodbyes and we headed onto the first building. Stefan stood close to me. We agreed last night that we were just better off friends. After all it would be awkward considering that he treats me like his little sister. We finally arrived at Room 5A. Stefan knocked on the door and opened it. We all stepped in the classroom and was hit with lots of smells of blood and mutts.

Rebekah and I crinkled our noses in disgust but handed our slips to the teacher to sign it anyways. Stefan cleared his throat and the teacher looked up. Mr.Keaton was a middle aged man with a growing beard and sparkling blue eyes.

"Ah. You must be the new students," he says looking over our slips.

"Do you want to introduce yourselves?" he asks.

"Um. I think it would be better if Stefan did it. Stef?" I said smiling at Stefan. He glared at me but turned to face the students who were staring at us. I saw Renesmee at the back glaring at us. She had a couple of bruises but they are slowly healing. I smiled innocently at her and waved.

"Hi my name is Stefan Salvatore," he says making all the girls swoon. "This is Rebekah and Kol," he said pointing to the two who just waved and nodded. "And this is Ella,"

"Sup," I told them nodding my head like a gangster. 

"They are new this school year so I want everybody to be nice and if needed to show them around. Do you understand?" Mr.Keaton says looking at them seriously.

"Yes Mr.Keaton," everybody answered.

"Okay. Ella you can sit next to Jeff." he said pointing to a shapeshifter with way too much muscle and tan. He winked at me and I stared at him in a deadpanned look. I took a seat next to him and ignored him when he held up his hand to introduce himself.

"I'm Mason," he told me with a cheeky grin.

"I don't care," I tol him earning a laugh from Rebekah who was infront of me and from Kol who was behind me.

"Look here sweetheart. How about we go out sometime?" he asked me trying to use his stupid "Wolf charm".

"How about I call my dad and he can rip you to pieces?" I said showing him my vampire face.

He gasped and almost fall off his chair. I smirked at him and faced to the front. Rebekah and Kol were hardly keeping their laughs in.

"Is ther something wrong Mr.McCartney?" Mr.Keaton asks Mason. Mason McCartney. Where have I heard that name before?

"N-n-no, M-m-mr. K-K-Keaton," Mason said still shaking from what he just saw. I think Renesmee took that as shaking from anger but it was clearly evident that it was fear. She smirked at me and mouthed 'Transformation time'. She turned to Mason who was staring at me moving his chair trying to get away from me as far as possible.

I turned back to Renesmee who looked at Mason in anticipation. 

'Oh really?' I mouthed back.

'Die in hell' she told me.

And with that she faced forward ignoring me the whole class time. I chuckled quietly and turned to face the teacher. I have a feeling this school year will be quiet interesting.

Boom! Another late update! I'm sorry! I was just really busy last week. But here it is now. Next chapter or the next three chapters might be a Christmas special so tune in!




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